How to organize an extended day group

How to organize an extended day group
How to organize an extended day group

Video: 1 HOUR TOTAL body resistance and cardio workout/Low Impact//standing & no equipment options 2024, July

Video: 1 HOUR TOTAL body resistance and cardio workout/Low Impact//standing & no equipment options 2024, July

Day care groups are a real salvation for working parents. First, the child has a place to spend time after school. Secondly, it is in the extended day group that children can be offered additional classes that will be held right at the school. And besides, teachers are especially careful in creating and organizing an extended day group.

You will need

  • -room;

  • -plan of occupations;

  • -information stands.

Instruction manual


Decide on the room. Classes in extension should not interfere with the main educational process. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly present the general schedule of the educational institution in order to enter the work plan of the extended-day group into it. Ideally, this group should have a separate room, which will be decorated in a certain style, reflecting the activities of children here. The cabinet must comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards - this is illumination, size and ventilation. Also, when organizing an extended-day group, and the overall occupancy of the school’s assembly or gym halls, should also be considered. This is necessary so that you, together with your pupils, can arrange your extra-curricular activities there without interference.


Remember that children are recruited into an extended-day group upon written request from their parents. However, consider the fact that it can not accommodate a lot of people. As a rule, the number of children in the extension varies within the same class, i.e. 25 people. More, according to experts, is already impractical.


Observe another very important condition for organizing an extended day group - this is the experienced and professional composition of the teachers who will deal with the children. As a rule, full-time teachers and heads of various circles and sections of the school in which children study are recruited to work in the extension.


Also, when preparing an extended day group for work, do not forget about the preparation of the menu and catering. As a rule, for children in the extension, the reception of hot food is organized twice.


Also take care of the design of your premises, where the group is located. There must be comfortable conditions for children to do their homework. In addition, the design of walls or stands by students' work is an ideal option. For example, if children are engaged in a circle of fine arts, then it would be advisable to put their work on public display. At the stand you can post information about the achievements of the pupils and a plan for upcoming events. You can also arrange a stand for parents.


Also, do not forget that when organizing an extended day group, you need to develop a special program of outdoor games. After all, children should walk, so outdoor exercises are part of the mandatory extension program.

  • Organization of self-study in an extended day group