How to determine the type of subordinate clause

How to determine the type of subordinate clause
How to determine the type of subordinate clause

Video: subordinate clauses 2024, July

Video: subordinate clauses 2024, July

Complicated sentences give oral and written speech beauty and expressiveness. There are a lot of types of subordinate clauses in the Russian language, and much attention is paid to them in the study of syntax. Nevertheless, schoolchildren are often confused on this issue, especially if different types of subordinate clauses are joined to the main thing with the help of the same unions.

Instruction manual


Recall what the relative clause is and what function it performs. A complex sentence consists of disparate parts. One of them is independent, and it is called the main proposal. The subordinate clause is a dependent part that plays the role of a minor member of a sentence.


Subordinate clauses are divided into 4 groups. Since in many cases they serve as secondary members of a sentence, they are called very similarly: definitive, explanatory, circumstantial, affiliation. In turn, adverbial clauses come in several forms. Remember the types of circumstances: place, time, mode of action, cause, effect, purpose. The same group includes comparative and concessive subordinate clauses.


Determine whether the subordinate clause refers to the entire main sentence or to a single member. The whole main sentence most often includes some categories of adverbial clauses, that is, places, times, goals, causes, consequences, concessionary, conditional and comparative. All other subordinate clauses belong to one member of the main sentence.


Determine to which member of the main sentence the subordinate clause belongs. Ask him a question. The definition answers the questions “what?”, “Which?”, “Whose?”. They can also be put to the definitive subordinate clause. Sometimes this type can be determined by the union or union word, if it coincides with the question. However, the definitive subordinate clause can also be added using the words “how” or “when, ” that is, it can be confused with the factual. Therefore, the main way is still the question.


An explanatory clause serves as a complement, that is, answers to case questions. Its alliances and allied words are “who” and “what”, in which case the species is determined immediately. But there is a trap here. An explanatory sentence may be joined by the same unions or allied words that are characteristic of other types of subordinate clauses.


The most diverse group are adverbial clauses. These proposals answer very different questions, on which the "subspecies" is defined. The situational proposals of the place and time answer the questions "where, " "from, " "when, " "from what time."


A lot of things in common have incidental causes, goals, and conditional. The first answers the questions “why?”, “For what reason?”. The other two species determine for what purpose what is stated in the main proposal, or under what conditions this is possible.


There are several types of subordinate clauses to which the question is usually not posed. It is concessive, comparative, joining. The first category includes proposals that state that something did not happen, despite the efforts or favorable circumstances. Such an accessory is joined to the main by the allied words "although, " "despite." In comparative subordinates, as the name implies, something is compared with something.

types of subordinate clauses