How to assess student knowledge

How to assess student knowledge
How to assess student knowledge

Video: Best Practices For Assessing Student Knowledge 2024, July

Video: Best Practices For Assessing Student Knowledge 2024, July

Teachers in various educational institutions try to instill knowledge in their wards, conducting lessons, lectures, practices, etc. every day. And although the educational systems at school and, for example, at a university are significantly different, they evaluate pupils and students in very similar ways, of which there are several.

Instruction manual


Consider how long you want to evaluate students. Do not lose sight of the complexity of the material. If a knowledge test is planned in the middle of a semester or a quarter, then it is called current and is carried out by performing written assignments or oral interviews.


Typical or control works, dictations, expositions, etc. usually one or two lessons (a couple) last in time and make it possible not to leave one of the students unattended. But, unfortunately, this method is not always objective, because cheating is not excluded: sometimes from a textbook, and sometimes just from a desk mate. Sometimes a teacher may not keep track of such a process, which means that subsequent assessments will not correspond to knowledge.


An oral survey is perhaps more fruitful. But if it is individual (for example, a call to the board), keep in mind that for some people it is difficult to speak in front of an audience, i.e. evaluate them more difficult. Of course, it is possible to conduct a lesson in the form of a conversation, asking certain questions, although such an arrangement of points is superficial, and of course it is impossible to completely eliminate the work with each student individually.


If the need for knowledge assessment arose at the end of the school year (semester, quarter), then the best options for its implementation are exams, tests, term papers, final tests. Now they also often use tests. So, for example, the USE (Unified State Exam) is presented, for the most part, in test form (only for the most difficult part of the tasks no answer options are given).


In the case when the leadership of the educational institution does not mind, you can take the initiative and conduct a control lesson in the form of a game (for example, similar to such as "Own game"). In this way, you can "warm up" the students' interest, as a result of which they will try to prepare well and give good results. In addition, a relaxed atmosphere contributes to the development of thinking and makes it possible for everyone, even those lagging behind, to show themselves in the best light. And the unusual situation will help to acquire knowledge most firmly and for a long time. And the teacher is much more pleasant to evaluate voluntary answers.