How adjectives are formed

How adjectives are formed
How adjectives are formed

Video: Formation of Adjectives | Easy Grammar for Kids | Grade 4 | Periwinkle 2024, July

Video: Formation of Adjectives | Easy Grammar for Kids | Grade 4 | Periwinkle 2024, July

The name adjective is the significant part of speech, indicating the signs of objects. Adjectives are formed from other parts of speech in different ways, most often prefixes and suffixes are used for this.

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Adjectives are most often formed from nouns, adverbs or verbs with the help of a suffix. For example: "temperament - temperament", "river - speech", "grain - grain-oh, " "bad - bad, good."

Also, in the formation of adjectives, the prefix and prefix-suffix methods are used: "high - not-high", "water - under-water-n-th".

Adjectives can be formed by combining two or more words: "pale blue", "five-year", "gray-brown-raspberry."


Relative adjectives denoting signs of an object by its correlation with other objects are formed from other parts of speech (nouns, verbs and adverbs) using the suffixes "-n-, -ov-, -in-, -sk-, -l-". For example: "run - run-th", "winter - winter-th", "warehouse - warehouse-sk-oh."


Possessive adjectives that indicate the subject matter belong to nouns in a suffix way. For this, specific suffixes "-ov-, -ev-, -yn-, -in-, -iy-" are used: "father - fathers", "hare - hare", "tit - tit-un".


When comparing 2 subjects, a comparative degree is used. By the method of formation of forms in the Russian language, a simple and complex comparative degree is distinguished.

Simple (synthetic) is formed using the suffixes "-ee-, - her-, -". For example: lighter, stricter, kinder.

A complex (analytical) comparative degree is formed using the words “more” or “less”. For example: "more biting", "less noisy." It is used if a simple degree turns out to be dissonant or if a sentence requires agreement with a noun.


Superlative adjectives also have a simple and complex form.

Simple is formed using the suffixes "-eysh-, -ish-, -sh-". For example: “strongest”, “strongest”, “best”.

The complex form of superlatives is formed in 2 ways:

1) Comparative degree with the addition of the words “total” and “all”: “largest of all”, “most dangerous”.

2) The words “most” or “most”, “least” with the addition of the initial form of the adjective: “largest”, “least sharp”.

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