How to designate a female gender

How to designate a female gender
How to designate a female gender

Video: Gender of Nouns in English Grammar | Useful Masculine and Feminine List 2024, July

Video: Gender of Nouns in English Grammar | Useful Masculine and Feminine List 2024, July

From a scientific point of view, the male and female sex determine the role of an individual (human, plant, animal) in the process of extension of a kind. For their marking in the scientific and popular literature, special signs are used. However, the need to somehow identify differences by gender very often arises in everyday life. For this, designers develop special characters that, starting from kindergarten, are intuitive to most people and do not depend on the level of scientific training.

Instruction manual


If you need to identify the female gender in any text of a scientific nature, then use a symbol that was borrowed from astronomical designations a long time ago (in the middle of the 18th century) - the symbol of Venus. The person who first used this sign was the author of a unified classification of the animal and plant world - Carl Linnaeus. This sign is a circle with a cross drawn at the bottom and resembles an old mirror with a curly handle. Therefore, sometimes it is called the "mirror of Venus."


Use code 2640 if you need to insert such a character into the text of any electronic document. This is the hexadecimal designation of the character sequence number in the Unicode table. It can be used to display a female character only in documents of those formats that support Unicode tables. For example, standard Word documents in doc or docx format deal with it without problems, but the simplest of the txt text formats cannot do this. In the Microsoft Word word processor, to insert such an icon, position the input cursor at the desired position, type the code, and then press the key combination Alt + X. The program will remove the four numbers you entered, replacing them with a single female symbol.


To insert the same character in a web page, place the sequence of characters в in the right place of its source code. The user's browser, having met it in the HTML code, converts it to the desired character - ♀.


Use stylized images if you want to indicate the female gender not in a scientific text, but, for example, in a hairdressing salon, at the airport or in other places used by people in everyday life. There are whole sets of images (pictograms) for these purposes developed by professional designers. More often, to designate a woman, they use a stylized silhouette in a skirt, which is still considered a distinctive feature of a woman. You can find a suitable sign on the Internet or in specialized collections of images on optical discs. There are also fonts with sets of pictograms of this kind - for example, the man and woman icons are in the default font called Webdings installed with Windows.