How to learn to remember

How to learn to remember
How to learn to remember

Video: How To Remember Everything You Learn 2024, July

Video: How To Remember Everything You Learn 2024, July

The amount of information in the modern world is growing like a snowball, and you need to navigate it not only for students, students, but also adults. Memorization is always the conscious activity of the mind to organize memorized material. The skill of memorization, like any skill, can be brought to automatism, if you put some effort into it and use it. Learning to memorize is fully devoted to mnemonics - the art of developing memory and learning memorization skills.

Instruction manual


Learn to analyze simple elements and complex relationships in the material being studied. Sort text from simple to complex, from part to whole, which makes memorization easier. Work with complex and voluminous texts on the contrary - first get acquainted with the text, break it into pieces, and then study each part in detail in succession.


Practice creating additional relationships between objects in your memory. Pay attention to the natural associations between objects and use them as a support for remembering information. For an example of a natural connection, clouds and sky can be mentioned.


Train the work of all your analyzers (visual, auditory, sensory). Within 3-4 days, when remembering any information, call up any visual, auditory or kinesthetic images. Over time, they will arise in you easily, and help memorize the material.


Use artificial associations. To do this, specifically associate memorized material with associative images, sounds, movements, everything that is closer to you. Combine images in chains, sequences, groups. Gradually, this skill will be automated in you.


Associate the studied material with any emotions. Try it on yourself and imagine what feelings you would have. This is also one way of associating information. It is believed that information that evokes an emotional response in a person is easily remembered.


Actively use your imagination to connect your images. Try to colorfully draw in your mind what you need to remember. You can combine the presented images on the principle of contrast, ridiculous neighborhood, analogies, which will help to remember them.


Develop resilience and concentration through special exercises. Practice focusing on the subject, score, sounds. These are auxiliary components of memorization.


Practice repeating memorized information. Retell read, seen. Share your thoughts with people, write them down on paper.


Broaden your horizons to be able to look at memorized material from different points of view, find ways to organize it.


Remember that only something bright, with natural connections, is remembered by itself. In order to remember dry information, you need to analytically process it, whether it is a phone number, to-do list or paragraph text.

Library "Reading and memory"