How to learn to speak smartly

How to learn to speak smartly
How to learn to speak smartly

Video: Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques 2024, July

Video: Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques 2024, July

Talking people learn in childhood. With the accumulation of new knowledge and skills, life experience, speech becomes more saturated and interesting. But many, whether in private conversation or in public speaking, cannot fully demonstrate the depth of their mind. You have to learn smart speech.

Instruction manual


First, make sure that you can speak at all, and then begin to saturate your speech with the concepts of metaphysics. You cannot do without some basic speaker skills. Observe yourself during a private conversation. The interlocutor often does not understand you? He doesn’t hear what you are saying to him? Is your humor alien to him? Are you too inferior to the interlocutor and allow him to conduct a conversation alone? So it won’t work. No one will listen to your smart speeches if you say them quietly, under your breath, shy of everyone in the world.


You can put your voice and learn to control yourself in acting courses for amateurs, in the classroom with an individual teacher, with familiar students. Now, fortunately, there is the Internet. There you will be able to find out the price and reduce your acquaintance with professionals. A brilliant mind without the ability to speak will not bring you the glory of a speaker.


Speech delivered, now engage in its substantive content. It’s good if you already have two higher educations and certificates of several additional educational programs. However, do not think that your work is over. First, you need to select the right one from all that smart that is already sitting in your head. Saying smart things out of place is stupid. Such speech behavior will not do you any honor. Therefore, take into account the topics of the conversation or the report, do not lean out of time and do not show off: usually, trying to seem smarter than he is, a person gets into a mess and stays with a broken trough.


Do not forget about the decoration of your speech. Professor’s clumsy speech at the lecture will not cause interest. Use proverbs, sayings, but avoid slander. It is relevant only in a certain circle of closest friends, and even then, when the conversation is not about higher matters, but about something down to earth.


Get acquainted with the basic concepts of poetics, insert metaphors, epithets, colorful and revealing comparisons into speech. At the initial stage, it is quite possible that you will have to write down the text of the speech or outline for yourself a range of topics and expressive means, but then you will do all this automatically.


If you don’t have anything to talk about, urgently take yourself in hedgehog gloves. Someone, of course, will be able to "pour water" and pretend to be erudite, but such a person will soon be figured out, and then mutual disappointment is inevitable. Therefore, get an education, read more good literature, do not let the brain "fall asleep" while watching the next series. Remember that you can speak cleverly about well-known things. In this case, the first step is enough for you. But it is better to have real knowledge and real life experience behind you so as not to hit your face in the mud.