How to learn to learn

How to learn to learn
How to learn to learn

Video: Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDxOaklandUniversity 2024, July

Video: Learning how to learn | Barbara Oakley | TEDxOaklandUniversity 2024, July

Constant failures can extinguish interest in learning even for those children who, with a desire, previously went to school. You need to be able to learn, and it’s not even a matter of whether a child can read fluently and how beautifully he writes sticks. Much more important is the psychological and physical readiness for learning.

Instruction manual


Understand the causes of school failures. This can be fatigue, inability to keep attention on the same thing, a misunderstanding of tasks, excessive excitability, and much more. You can consult a school psychologist. A teenager who wants to learn how to absorb knowledge can first try to figure out the situation on his own.


Teach your child to focus. Do this in your free time from school. To do this, you can use a variety of games in which strict compliance with the rules is required. You can play board games - all kinds of lottos, where you need to carefully monitor which item the driver named and whether you have it on the card. Jigsaw puzzles and other cut pictures are very suitable. Some outdoor games also require attention, such as "flies - does not fly." Of the games that can be held with a subgroup of children, "Spoiled Phone", "Think of a sequel" are quite suitable. A teenager can come up with such games for himself and even attract a younger brother to them. The benefits will be both.


Teach your child to focus on classes. Of course, homework needs to be done in a relaxed atmosphere. There should not be objects around that distract the child, especially at first. But gradually accustom him to the fact that he should not be distracted from training by a butterfly flying in the window or the fact that his neighbors turned on the TV just at that time. The younger student needs to be specially taught this. It will be easier for a teenager if he realizes that learning is more interesting than listening to what is being done by his neighbors.


Check how well the child understands the teacher’s tasks. Each time after school, ask what the children did today, what they learned new, and what they asked at home. If the child is at a loss, talk to the teacher or call one of the classmates. Ask if the teacher explained how to complete an exercise.

If the child nevertheless completed the task incorrectly, invite him to think about why this happened, what he did wrong and how it should be so that it turned out right. Advise the child to ponder the task first, and then begin to complete it. This will save a lot of time and effort. This can be learned at any age, but the sooner the better.


Learn for yourself and teach your child to complete the work he has begun, even if it ceases to be pleasant at some point. Interesting activities can be difficult, but you need to overcome an obstacle, and further work will go much easier.


Help your child make an algorithm for completing assignments. Before this, the algorithm needs to be thought out carefully by yourself. Learn to analyze which items are more convenient to do first, which then. Usually the most difficult task is more convenient to perform in the middle, but there are exceptions. It all depends on individual characteristics.


Teach your child to enjoy learning activities. Every day a person learns something new and interesting at school or from textbooks. Rejoice with him new knowledge and skills. Tell your child about something new that you yourself have learned today.


Invite your child to think about how to complete one or another task. It makes sense to do the same for adults.

Before the child goes to school, try to get rid of speech problems, if any. A first grader must be able to clearly express his thought, retell a short story or fairy tale, explain his actions.

Speech problems must be resolved by an adult. Well-developed speech will save you from shyness, you can always tell people something interesting and will strive to find out what others do not know.

Useful advice

A shy person needs to understand that no one will laugh at him if he properly prepares the task. The child needs to explain this, and the adult must understand this himself and overcome his insecurity. Make sure that there is really no ridicule.

A slow-moving person should pay particular attention to work planning. In this case, it makes sense at first to think everything over thoroughly and do the task once and not very quickly, but as it should. Haste will cause nervousness.

Observe the regimen of occupations and rest. Overwork is just as harmful as a lack of responsibility for learning.

Organize an intelligent environment at home. It will be useful to both you and the children.