How to learn to talk fast

How to learn to talk fast
How to learn to talk fast

Video: How fast you can Speak | Speed Speaking Test 2024, July

Video: How fast you can Speak | Speed Speaking Test 2024, July

Everyone, studying at school, dreamed of quickly and correctly answering any question, but this dream does not always come true. And sometimes even now, at work, you are afraid that at the crucial moment you will not have enough words, and you, blushing with embarrassment, will hardly talk about your idea. Do not despair: this problem is easy to solve by performing the following exercises.

Instruction manual


In order to learn how to speak quickly as quickly as possible, it is necessary to regularly perform exercises in which the tongue and lips are tightened. For example, you can do the following: sticking out your tongue, try to reach them to the tip of the nose or chin; make “proboscis” with your lips, as with a kiss, then move your lips to the left, right, in a circle, while maintaining this position; Smile so that the corners of the mouth are at the maximum distance from each other; roll your tongue into a tube; make a face, remember how great it turned out in your childhood.


Find a few tongue twisters. First you can pronounce them slowly, carefully pronouncing all the words, and then accelerate the pace, bringing it to the maximum. Especially useful will be tongue twisters containing a large number of consonants, and for sonor sounds.


If you can easily pronounce the first tongue twister that comes across, it means that you have successfully coped with all the previous exercises, if not, then you need to study more persistently and carefully.


To speak freely, it is important to overcome confusion and insecurity. To do this, you need to tell yourself as often as possible that you can handle everything, that you will cope with any problem. Perform the following exercise daily: with your eyes closed, relax as much as possible, then imagine yourself a winner. Perhaps this is a victory in a variety of sports competitions or at the school Olympiad. Meditate in this position for at least 10 minutes to more carefully consider your victory.


Try to read classical literature and quality periodicals more often. This will not only significantly expand your vocabulary, but at the same time fill your head with new ideas that you can share.