How to learn to read English

How to learn to read English
How to learn to read English

Video: Learn How To READ and SPELL 2024, July

Video: Learn How To READ and SPELL 2024, July

If you have initial conversational skills, you can begin to study reading in English. Reading presents certain difficulties in English, so to learn it, you need to go through several stages.

Instruction manual


First we learn letters. It is very good to remember the alphabet immediately as a song. Rummage on the Internet or ask the teacher for such songs. The student must clearly identify each letter of the alphabet. Having learned the entire alphabet, we proceed to the study of individual letter combinations and more detailed attention to each letter. The fact is that in English this is a whole problem: letters can be read in different ways depending on what other letters it is combined with or what place it occupies in a word. For example, the letter "E": it can be read as "and" long in the word "key", it can be a sound close to our "e" in the word "men", or it can not be read at all if it is on the edge of the word " wine ". To learn all these letter combinations, you can use any textbook on reading, even children's. The system is the same everywhere, only the speed of learning and the number of lessons are different.


Having learned the letter combinations, we proceed to reading the sentences and are attentive to the sound of these sentences. The fact is that in English there is a completely different intonation of the language, which must be sought from the very beginning. It is advisable to use audio materials if you study English yourself. First we listen to how the announcer reads, then we reproduce ourselves. And so letter by letter, until you learn all the rules of reading.


Having learned the rules of reading, we move on to reading. Watch for unity. If you pronounce a phrase in your native language, it is pronounced quickly, not all is pronounced, all words are usually molded to the main thing: some drums, others remain bypassed by intonation stress. The same phenomena in English. Therefore, the next stage is working on the integrity of reading and the correct intonation in each sentence. The texts are gradually becoming more complex, of course.

Useful advice

Having mastered the basics of reading, proceed to reading literature in an unadapted language, so you will soon begin to understand a lot without direct translation into your native language. Learn to understand the whole essence of sentences: this is how we understand our native language.