How to teach a first grader to read quickly

How to teach a first grader to read quickly
How to teach a first grader to read quickly

Video: How To Teach A Child To Read - In Two Weeks 2024, July

Video: How To Teach A Child To Read - In Two Weeks 2024, July

To teach a first grader to read quickly is very important, because this skill is simply necessary at school. In addition, the ability to read fluently is useful to the child not only in the lessons, but also in everyday life.

Instruction manual


Never force a child to learn to read against his will and do not punish mistakes. Classes should be not only regular, but also positive, bringing positive emotions. Otherwise, you only inspire a first-grader with an aversion to reading.


Write notes to your child from time to time. This may be a to-do list that he needs to complete while you are at work, a shopping list, or just a wish for a good day. Leave your child funny and interesting notes so that he wants to read them. So the kid will soon understand that to be able to read is necessary not only in order to study well at school.


Read with your child. Take a simple, interesting text, give one copy to the baby, and take the second yourself. Let the child read with you. Read very slowly, and when you are convinced that he is in time for you - gradually accelerate the pace. Do it smoothly so that the child does not notice changes in reading speed.


Choose a light text and have the child read it. Take time. In the first lessons, you can detect 1 minute so that the child does not get tired too much, but then this time can be gradually increased. Note how much the baby read in a minute, and then ask him to read the text again. Most likely, the child will be able to read the text already faster, since he will already be familiar to the baby.


Write a few words with complex combinations of consonants. Children often stammer when they see words such as “construction, ” “agency, ” etc. in the text. Regularly ask your baby to read these words, adding new ones from time to time.


Draw a square 20x20 cm, divide it into 16 cells, in each cell write one letter scatter. Ask the child to fix his gaze in the center of the table, and then show him the cells and ask him to read the letters. Start with cells closer to the center. In this way, lateral vision develops and reading speed increases.

How to teach a child to read quickly?