How to train your brain

How to train your brain
How to train your brain

Video: Top 10 Ways to Train Your Brain 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Ways to Train Your Brain 2024, July

In childhood, information about the world is perceived easily and vividly. Images swirl in the head, brain activity at the limit. But with age, there is a slowdown, and then a decrease in mental activity. While life in a rapidly changing world poses an adult human tasks that require high mental stress. It turns out that the "mental form" of a person, as well as his physical form, can be adjusted using simple exercises.

Instruction manual


Cross step

This exercise not only activates the brain, but also helps relieve stress. Walk with the knee raised high, touching the knee with the elbow of the opposite hand. You can walk like that on the spot.


The Big Eight

This exercise is perfect for people who spend a lot of time at the computer. It will help stretch the muscles of the back and increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Squeeze your hand into a fist, lifting your thumb up. Extend your hand forward. Now describe with your hand the figure of eight lying on its side (as in mathematics the infinity sign is denoted). Do the same with your other hand.


Nice and helpful

Another type of brain charging. Massage your shoulders. Let the right hand massage the left shoulder, the left hand - the right shoulder. During massage, slightly extend your neck and look over the shoulder that you are massaging.



Do not forget about the role of all kinds of puzzles: crosswords, scanwords, sudoku. Puzzles are great brain training. While solving puzzles, you will not only “start” the processes of brain activity, but also give him the opportunity to relax a bit.


Life is a game

A boring and monotonous life depresses the brain. To avoid such "stagnation", play. It can be both intellectual games (chess, checkers), and sports (volleyball, football, tennis). The main thing - do not allow yourself to wallow in the swamp of monotony.


New impressions

Try to receive a portion of fresh impressions daily. Bringing novelty to the usual state of affairs “shakes” the brain and brings the “taste” back to life. Diversify your life. Change something in your environment: rearrange the furniture, disassemble the closet, throw out unnecessary things. Travel Go to the cinema, theater, museums. Generally speaking, look everywhere for food for the mind.

How to make the brain work