How to write a teacher’s creative report

How to write a teacher’s creative report
How to write a teacher’s creative report

Video: Report Writing Tips for Primary School Teachers (2020) 2024, July

Video: Report Writing Tips for Primary School Teachers (2020) 2024, July

The teacher’s creative report demonstrates the degree of his pedagogical skills, helps to identify problems that still need to be worked on. It can be complete, that is, in the main areas of the teacher’s activity, and thematic - in-depth consideration of any one aspect of the teacher’s work.

You will need

  • - abstracts of open lessons;

  • - action plans;

  • - photos from events;

  • - video materials;

  • - computer;

  • - paper;

  • - folder;

  • - a printer.

Instruction manual


Include biographical information in the first paragraph of the creative report: indicate the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, specialization, length of pedagogical activity, available awards and rewards, results of advanced training.


Next, indicate didactic and methodological developments on the stated topic. Give your guidelines, copyright programs, various types of planning. Add detailed abstracts of open lessons, scenarios of holidays, contests, etc. Attach to the report various photographs and video materials from open lessons and conferences at which you spoke, in-school teacher councils, etc.


In the next paragraph of the creative report, highlight the theoretical studies that you carry out in the course of the problem under study. Highlight those basic concepts, concepts and principles that play a significant role in your pedagogical activity.


Include in your creative report material on work related to equipping a development environment. Indicate what funds you used in the implementation of this problem. Discover ways to provide conditions for the development of creative and cognitive activity of students.


Highlight organizational forms for working with student parents. Give a detailed plan of several such forms of cooperation, evaluate their effectiveness.


Summarize your work experience, summarize the interim results, let us know if you have achieved the set results. Identify the most promising areas of activity. Indicate what tasks you set in the processes of training and education in future work.


Give the results of participation in the activities of the pedagogical community within the school, across the city and region. Indicate the problems that were posed in the process of this work.


Design a creative report in print, in Word, with a font size of 12 pins, highlighting bold headings and subheadings. In addition to the main part, make a title page, arrange the content and application.

Creative report of the teacher for the academic year