How to write a recommendation for a student

How to write a recommendation for a student
How to write a recommendation for a student

Video: How to get a strong recommendation letter (Get Accepted to Your Dream University Part #8) 2024, July

Video: How to get a strong recommendation letter (Get Accepted to Your Dream University Part #8) 2024, July

When a child moves from primary to secondary school or when choosing a profile class, he may need a recommendation from a teacher. It is compiled in the form of brief assessments of the personality of the student, his abilities in learning and in extracurricular activities.

Instruction manual


Begin the testimonial by describing your student’s academic success. Write how interested he is in the process, whether it is easy for him to master new information. If the student is interested in additional information, actively asks questions in the lessons, is engaged in self-education, reading books not according to the program, indicate this in the recommendation. Also analyze how much the student’s hobbies in one discipline or another are related to orientation toward a future profession. If the student does not think about his further education, does not show a tendency to any type of activity, write about it.


Briefly outline the behavior of the child. Write how diligent and focused he was during classes, whether he had conflicts with teachers. It may be difficult for him to concentrate on his studies for a long time, but he is working on himself and progress, even small, is noticeable - mention this in the document.


The next paragraph of the recommendation is the assessment of the student’s social activity. Tell us whether the person showed organizational abilities, whether he received pleasure from such activities or simply fulfilled the duties assigned to him. Note how initiative he is, whether he aspires to the role of a leader in extracurricular activities of the class.


Tell us about the student’s interaction with classmates. Rate his desire to expand the circle of friends, relaxed in communication, activity in creating new connections. Describe the role that the student takes in the classroom, from two sides. First write how he positions himself. Then - how others relate to such positioning, whether they accept it in such a role. Observe how often a person found himself in conflict situations and how he behaved.


Write how the student evaluates himself, whether his self-esteem is stable, how adequate it is to reality.


In conclusion, tell us about the relationship in the student’s family. Write how calm the situation is, how trusting the relationship is between the child and the parents. Also describe the relationship between parents and the teaching staff of the school.