How to write a classroom educational plan

How to write a classroom educational plan
How to write a classroom educational plan

Video: Art Lesson Plans For Remote Teaching 2024, July

Video: Art Lesson Plans For Remote Teaching 2024, July

Sometimes class teachers consider that only the principal and the head teacher of the school need a plan of educational work for reporting, therefore they formulate annual plans formally. But education becomes effective when it has a focus, systematic and systematic, when it is based on cooperation and takes into account the interests of children.

Instruction manual


Start making a plan with an analysis of educational work over the past period. If you are only taking a class, talk with the teacher who worked with him before you, study the personal files of the students, compile a social passport for each student and the entire class. Use different methods. For example, express diagnostics "What activities in the classroom did you like." Have the children write a mini-essay called “My Class”. Assess the level of education of students.


Write a class description in which reflect the characteristics of children's psychology, social connections, interpersonal relationships. Pay special attention to the identification of shortcomings and miscalculations in education, for example, a decrease in discipline, disunity in the team, hidden groups and more. So you can make a more complete and accurate picture of the class, determine the range of problems that you have to work on.


Formulate the goal of educational work with students for the coming year, taking into account the analysis of facts and identified problems. The goal can be set alone and must be real and achievable, but there are usually several tasks for its implementation.


Involve children in your work plan. When the children themselves set tasks, come up with activities, distribute responsibilities, the plan ceases to be formal, but turns into an exciting and creative activity. Conduct a joint venture project competition in the classroom. Use the technique of "brainstorming", the game "understudy" (the student acts as a class teacher). But try to avoid overload, one event per month is enough.


Work with the class can be planned in different directions: aesthetic, moral, healthy lifestyle, civil-patriotic, legal, labor and creative development.


Separate separate sections for individual work with pupils and parents. When planning these sections, involve a school social educator and psychologist in the work. A good help in the work is maintaining the portfolio of the class and each individual student.


Be sure to plan work with a group of “difficult” students and children prone to deviant behavior. Keep "diaries" of work with such children.

Useful advice

Get to know your children, observe, study, communicate with them. In this case, the upbringing will be truly effective and efficient.