How to write a pedagogical project

How to write a pedagogical project
How to write a pedagogical project

Video: Lesson Planning: What is Required? 2024, July

Video: Lesson Planning: What is Required? 2024, July

A pedagogical project is a theoretical work, the development of the forthcoming activities of a teacher and students. The pedagogical project is focused on innovation, the author offers new ways in the educational process. There are certain rules when writing such a project.

Instruction manual


Choose a theme that you will develop. The topic should be interesting and have practical application in education. Coordinate the topic in the education department of your city, district, you will be given time to write, talk about the procedure for presenting the project and its protection.


Having decided on the topic and deadlines, start writing the work. Make a plan. Any project has an introductory and final part, at least two chapters, one of which is theory and the other is practice. The practical chapter is very important in any work. It should include examples of the application of innovative educational technologies.


For example, you have chosen for development the theme "The communicative aspect in the study of classical literature of the XIX century for students of 7th grades with in-depth study of literature." In the introduction, decrypt the value of the header. For example: "The work is dedicated to the communication features of educated people of the century before last." In literature lessons, you will pay students this particular attention.


In a concise form, indicate the goals and objectives of the project - to increase the communication skills of students, to instill the ability to express their thoughts intelligently and competently. The objective of the project is to acquaint students with the appeal in the circle of the nobility of the 19th century by the example of works of Russian literature of the 19th century.


Indicate in what time frame using the methodology the students will achieve your goal. Justify the way to solve the problem - what are the names of famous teachers addressing a similar topic and similar practice.


In the first chapter (theoretical) it is necessary to write what difficulties you worked with in preparing the project. Indicate the scientists who solved similar problems, their monographs, reports and results obtained in practice.


In the second chapter (practical) proceed to your own development. Describe in detail what was mentioned in the introduction. It is better if you will reinforce yourself with statistics. For example, 70% of students in 7th graders do not perceive the style of dialogue of characters in Russian classical literature. Your goal is to interest and teach you in the literature lessons to appreciate the beauty of the Russian language of that time. To solve the problem, 15 minutes from the literature lesson each week will be devoted to the analysis of the dialogues of the studied work. The course is designed for the second half of the 7th grade.


In the final part of the work, the expected successes of students should be summarized. As a test, offer to arrange a demonstrative open lesson - a literary living room.

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