How to write a review about a read book

How to write a review about a read book
How to write a review about a read book

Video: How to Write a Book Review 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Book Review 2024, July

The last page of the book has been turned, but I don’t want to say goodbye to it. You thought about the questions posed by the author. You want to express thoughts caused by a novel or story. A person is characterized by the need to share his opinion with others about the book he has read, and, therefore, make a review about it.

Instruction manual


To write a review, give a correct assessment of the book, carefully read the work. You must understand the author’s intention, to see life behind the text read. Understand the actions of the heroes, evaluate their experiences and thoughts. Think about the position the author takes, on whose side he is.


Formulate your attitude to the actions of the characters depicted by the events. One and the same book makes different impressions for different readers. Feedback - this is the exchange of impressions about the book. And in order for this exchange to take place, be interesting and informative, be able to not only express your opinion, but also justify it. And for this, select the necessary material from the text.


Think about who will be the addressee of your review: teacher, friend, parents, librarian, newspaper. The content, form and purpose of your work depend on this. If you want to draw attention to the book, argue about the heroes, then write an article in the newspaper. The journalistic style is appropriate here. If you want to share your impression, and the addressee is far away, you can use the epistolary genre. Such a review will be characterized by ease, conversationality. If you want to understand difficult issues, then analyze the features of the disclosure of the ideological content of the book, the role of artistic and expressive means. This review is close to a review.


Consider some of the laws for writing a review, which can be formulated as questions. 1. Do you like the book you read or not? How did you read it? 2. What is the read work? 3. Who are the characters? Who especially liked it? Why? 4. Who did not like? What repels this hero? 5. What is the author’s attitude towards heroes? What is this expressed in? 6. What is the main idea of ​​the work? How is it relevant, important? 7. What is your overall reading rating?


Reflect the contents of the book in a very short form, otherwise all your ratings will remain incomprehensible. You can retell something especially interesting to intrigue the guys. But if everyone read a book in the class, do not state its content.


Choose the name of your work. It should reflect your attitude to the book, invite you to think.

Useful advice

Express your opinion, reason, analyze, but do not substitute retelling of the content of the review.

review of the book grade 7