How to write a review for a student student

How to write a review for a student student
How to write a review for a student student

Video: How to Write a Law School Seminar Paper or Law Review Student Note -- A Ten Step Process 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Law School Seminar Paper or Law Review Student Note -- A Ten Step Process 2024, July

Each student during training in a secondary special or higher pedagogical educational institution is obliged to undergo practice in the chosen specialty. The teacher, from whom he practices, should write a review on the future colleague.

You will need

  • - Computer;

  • - Word program;

  • - a printer;

  • - paper.

Instruction manual


Indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the student, the university or college in which he is studying, his course and specialization, as well as the base for practical training: the name of the educational institution, class.


Describe the knowledge of modern curricula by a student, his ability to work with them.


Evaluate the ability of a future specialist to carry out in the lesson the connection between theory and life, solve educational problems, the ability to influence the consciousness, feelings and will of students.


Write about the trainee’s skills in organizing the work of children, focusing their attention and activating their mental activity, and arouse interest in the material studied in the lesson. Pay attention to the extent to which the student is able to carry out individual work with children, to prevent academic performance and knowledge gaps in students.


Evaluate the trainee’s mastery of the teaching method of the studied subject, teaching methods and techniques, including technical means of equipping the educational process and other visibility (working with tables, various drugs, etc.)


Dwell on the degree of formation of the ability to organize extracurricular activities with children and cultural and educational work with parents.


Point out the positive aspects and the main problems that a student student has during teaching practice.


Express the student's attitude to work and his degree of discipline.


Rate for the entire period of practice.


Tell your wishes to this pedagogical institution, try to formulate them clearly, concisely and quite specifically.


Put a personal signature. Also, the director of the school must sign in the response to the student-trainee and assure him with the seal of this educational institution.

student review