How to write a student practice report

How to write a student practice report
How to write a student practice report

Video: Learn Report Writing | English Grammar | iKen | iKen Edu | iKen App 2024, July

Video: Learn Report Writing | English Grammar | iKen | iKen Edu | iKen App 2024, July

Student Practice Report is a key document reflecting the success of your work. Writing a report allows you to summarize and systematize all the information about passing the practice, so that the teachers can finally make a conclusion about your competence as a young specialist.

Instruction manual


Fill in all required fields that contain information about your name and surname, place of study, address of residence and place of practice. Indicate the full name of the enterprise, do not forget to indicate the exact time of the beginning and end of work. What is the full name and position of the person under whose guidance the practice took place.


The report itself must be started with a description of the enterprise where you practiced. If you went through an introductory practice, then the general characteristics of the company will be sufficient, indicating the main direction of its activity, description of the structure of the enterprise. Manufacturing practice implies a greater involvement in the work of the company. Tell us how long this organization has existed, what place it takes in its field.


Reflect in your report the specifics of the organization where you did your internship. Economists should first of all conduct a financial analysis of the enterprise, provide statistics and evaluate the dynamics of growth. Lawyers can describe the structure of the organization and list the legislative acts with which they worked. Managers and marketers need to pay attention to the work of the marketing service, development strategies, analysis of a possible consumer audience.


An important part is the report on what work was done by you. Write what documents were studied during the practice, what were your job responsibilities, what events did you take part in, and what did you organize directly. Attach supporting documents to the report.


List the knowledge and skills that you have acquired at work. Your report should reflect how you were able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge you received at the university. Illustrate this with an example of a specific work situation: describe the problem encountered and how you managed to deal with it.

Student Performance Report 2018