How to write an educational program

How to write an educational program
How to write an educational program

Video: How to make a Khan Academy style educational video 2024, July

Video: How to make a Khan Academy style educational video 2024, July

The educational program is the main regulatory document that defines the order, methods, goals of the learning process, as well as the time (in hours) to complete the topics and the final tasks on them. There is a state educational program, on the model of which each teacher writes an educational program in his subject in accordance with the specifics of his students, personal goals, etc.

Instruction manual


Read the sample educational program. You can ask him from your immediate superior - the head teacher. An educational program in each subject is present in every school.


Analyze the categorical apparatus of the introduction program. Compare it with your goals and objectives. Write your own sample introduction.


Analyze the number of hours and difficulty level of tasks. Compare with your capabilities and write the main part on the model.


Check with your immediate supervisor. Make a calendar-thematic, lesson plans and other documents in accordance with the program and strictly follow it throughout the school year.