How to write a scientific paper in English

How to write a scientific paper in English
How to write a scientific paper in English

Video: How to write a scientific paper 2024, July

Video: How to write a scientific paper 2024, July

Writing a scientific work in English is in many ways similar to Russian in terms of design. There are some linguistic and organizational features that should be considered when writing this type of research.

Instruction manual


Decide on the structure of scientific work. In general, if you carry out any scientific work in the English language as well, then you need to plan it well. It will consist of an introduction, theoretical and practical parts, as well as a conclusion. Write down clearly the topic on a piece of paper and how many pages you want or plan to devote to the analysis of this problem. The volume of work will already come from this. Often it is at least 40-50 pages of A4 format.


Pick up all the necessary material on the Internet. Once you have decided on the structure of the scientific work, you need to find the content for your work. Now there are a lot of sites that can give information of any scientific complexity. Choose the most significant points from those that you need to dedicate. Try to compile no more than 4-5 pages for each item of your work. Everything should be brief and to the point.


Use only quality resources to help you write and translate difficult words. In addition to sites in English, you will also need a translator system, if that is not clear. Here are a few professional resources that provide the most accurate meanings of scientific terms: and If you are not sure about a particular term or expression, then immediately check them using these links.


Write the theoretical part. In this section write the idea of ​​the study. It should not be more than 40% of all work. Maybe even less. It all depends on the specifics. Indicate only the most important points that should be the basis of the study. Use the following English cliches as: according to (according to), however (however), thus (therefore), as far as I can judge (as far as I can judge), so as to say (as for), etc. You can also find these expressions in the above resources.


Complete the practical part. It should be a logical continuation of the previous one and consist of an analysis of the problem. Here you will have to write it yourself. It’s not easy enough to find the material; it’s important to analyze it and give your result. To write this part, you will need expressions such as: in the matter of (in terms of), what is evident (obviously), derived from (taken from), to put it concretely (to be specific), by the words of (according to), etc. Write a conclusion where you indicate the results of the study. Double-check all the work several times and give it to your supervisor for analysis.