How to write an observation by nature

How to write an observation by nature
How to write an observation by nature

Video: Observing in Science 2024, July

Video: Observing in Science 2024, July

Tasks for the description of nature, weather phenomena and the world are very important for the development of the child. They expand their horizons, form observation in children, attentiveness, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

Instruction manual


Observation is one of the main methods of studying natural disciplines. In elementary school, assignments for the description of nature should be accessible to the understanding of the child, while being scientific in nature.


For the task of describing nature, a plant, animal, bird is usually chosen, which the student meets on the way home or to school, growing or living near the house and is invited to observe them for a certain period of time, recording changes that occur with them at different times of the year.


In order to simplify the task for the child and orient him more clearly, it is necessary to draw up and propose a plan according to which it is necessary to observe the selected object. For instance:

1) How does bird nutrition change with the advent of winter?

2) How does the change of seasons affect their growth and reproduction?

3) Does the mother bird protect its chicks from rain and cold? If so, how does she do it?

4) Does the mother bird have a “special language” for “talking” with the chick? And so on.


Such observation should be carried out over a long period of time. The child needs to fix all the noticed traits and features in a separate notebook. The result of the student’s work should be an essay-observation based on the facts received, with a mandatory logical conclusion.


In the first and second grades, students are encouraged to keep diaries of observing nature, in which the weather is recorded day after day and the phenomena associated with it are noted. In such diaries, which are usually made out in drawing albums, sketches are made, diagrams and tables are drawn, verses, proverbs and sayings are selected and written out, as well as folk signs devoted to nature and the world around.


In the third grade, children are already able to solve more complex problems. They are invited to observe and write a story about a particular phenomenon or animal (bird). A child is able to create a holistic view of a living creature and describe in detail its appearance, habits and behavior; or talk about natural and weather phenomena (rainbow, rain, the process of the appearance and fall of foliage on trees).


Written work can also be done in the wake of excursions to the city park, botanical garden, forest, nature reserve or an exhibition of exotic plants.

Useful advice

A nature observation diary should be filled daily at the same time. This disciplines and promotes greater research accuracy.

It is very useful to read books on related topics with your child before starting observing nature. For example, about the habits of pets or birds.

  • Materials on natural science
  • observation in nature