How to write a student testimonial about passing practice

How to write a student testimonial about passing practice
How to write a student testimonial about passing practice

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

After completing the practice, each student must pass a characteristic written by the supervisor. This form is an official document, so it should be completed strictly according to the model. Otherwise, this characteristic will not have its value.

You will need

Special form for characterization

Instruction manual


It is necessary that the following points are presented: the ability to work independently; objective assessment of student learning; a set of practical skills that were demonstrated by the trainee in the process of work; assessment of the theoretical knowledge base; general level of professional training.


The first condition is to write a description on the letterhead, which must be issued to the student along with the rest of the documents at the educational institution. Indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the person to whom this characteristic is written, and the type of practice passed (it can be industrial, undergraduate or introductory), as well as its duration (exact dates of the beginning of the practice and its end). In addition to the above items, indicate the organization that provided the trainee with a place and its legal address.


Next, provide information on student responsibilities. Then write the main part of the text, which should contain a detailed description of the work performed by the student during the internship. As a leader, evaluate the quality of work.


The next part consists of characterization of the student. In it, describe all the trainee’s personal qualities, such as discipline, diligence, responsibility, capacity for work, potential, and some others, manifested during the internship. You can note which of these qualities were in the trainee initially, and which he acquired with experience. In addition, give them a rating. If the student has acquired any new knowledge and skills, as well as mastered the practical skills necessary for future work in the specialty, then indicate this in this part of the description. In conclusion, put the final grade and list of the person who led the practice.


On our site you will always find a ready-made testimonial for a student who has completed practical training, document forms for a personnel officer, accountant, entrepreneur, and other areas of activity. For each document posted instructions for filling out, samples and legal aspects of the document.

Useful advice

It is advisable to indicate more details of the organization and outgoing number. Remember that a student trainee’s profile is a student’s production profile, not a person’s profile. At the same time, the characteristics of the student accountant are not different from the characteristics of the student lawyer, the characteristics of the student journalist and those of the student teacher

ready-made student profile