How to write a testimonial for a student

How to write a testimonial for a student
How to write a testimonial for a student

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

Each summer practice ends with an exciting procedure for its participants - a characteristic is written to the trainee. What information should it contain so that the student's assessment of work is complete?

Instruction manual


Feedback about the trainee is written on paper with a hat or logo of the company in which he passed the practice. If the company does not have such, it will not be superfluous to write its name and address in the upper right corner of the sheet.


The volume of the characteristic, as a rule, is not large - no more than one page. It is written in one continuous text. In the beginning, it is necessary to name the full name, first and middle name of the student, the number of his group and the name of the university. This information is presented in approximately the same form: "Ivanov II, student of the ПЖ-101 group of Tanzanian State University



Next, you need to inform about the terms of the passage, the place of practice and, if the trainee was in a specific position, name it:"

completed internship at Impromptu OJSC as a layout designer from July 1 to August 31, 2011."


The rest of the review is in a freer form. It is advisable to list all the specific tasks (tasks) that were set before the student and completed by him. In addition, we can name the problems that arose in the process and the ways to overcome them successfully by the trainee.


Next, you need to list the professional qualities that he showed during his practice and, perhaps, those that he still needs to acquire. Also, as a rule, the student’s personal qualities are not overlooked - but not all in a row, but only those that were important in the context of certain working situations.


In sufficient detail, you can dwell on the characteristics of the student as part of the whole team in which he worked. Write how quickly a person joined the team, whether he resorted to the help of colleagues, whether he consulted with them, or whether he showed interest in their work even outside of work on the tasks assigned to him. If the student somehow corrected the working style after communicating with the team, in a nutshell tell us about it.


Summarize the student’s work for the entire duration of the practice - write how he came to your company and how much he progressed in the allotted time. What is the grade that you recommend giving him for completing practice?


After the main text of the characteristic, it is necessary to indicate the position, initials and surname of the person who composed it, put the date, signature and seal of the organization.


Student characteristics for the employer should contain professional features of the student, his level of knowledge, hard work and character traits. In this characteristic, it is for the student to concentrate on the student’s activity and independence, and not on his professional skills, since he still worked little in practice. how to write a power of attorney.

Useful advice

It is thanks to the characteristics of the student from the place of practice that the teacher can get a chance to look at you with completely different eyes. Another thing is that the bosses of the organization where you had to go through this practice do not always have the time and desire to compose a document that will make a lasting impression on your institute leadership. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will most likely have to write a characterization from the place of practice yourself (in most cases it is signed without looking).