How to write an essay about your profession

How to write an essay about your profession
How to write an essay about your profession

Video: How to write an outline for a job essay 2024, July

Video: How to write an outline for a job essay 2024, July

In order to write an essay about your profession, you need to analyze the pros and cons of your chosen business, what your work means for you personally and for those around you.

Instruction manual


Tell us a few words about what prompted you to choose this type of activity, at the very beginning of the essay. It is entirely possible that this was the decision of the parents, or vice versa, the passionate desire of childhood to become, for example, an architect. It is possible that you entered the educational institution "for company" with a friend, or there was a fortunate event that indicated your professional purpose.


Pay attention to the problems that you have to face in your professional activity. You should not write that everything is always perfect and there are no difficulties, because it turns out that your profession is rather boring and uninteresting and you should not describe it. It is better to pay attention to such aspects of the work as the need to get together at the right time, to be extremely concentrated in the performance of your duties. But so that the essay does not turn out to be joyless, "bland", note that all efforts pay off handsomely when you see the result of your work.


Describe what your work gives you, why it is good. For example, frequent business trips allow you to see many other cities where you would hardly be able to go on your own. Or you get satisfaction from the fact that you were able to successfully conduct a complex surgical operation, and thereby saved a person’s life. And maybe working as a journalist (even in a local newspaper) allows you to keep abreast of all the important and significant events taking place in the city.


Evaluate what you do. It is possible that you save someone’s life, help the socially vulnerable layers of the population, do something not so heroic, but no less important. Or maybe you are just a kindergarten teacher and noticed the child’s success in singing in time, which you told your parents about. And now your former pupil is a world celebrity.