How to write an essay about work

How to write an essay about work
How to write an essay about work

Video: How to write an outline for a job essay 2024, July

Video: How to write an outline for a job essay 2024, July

The word "essay" in French means "trial, attempt, essay." The essay is distinguished by its short form and emphasized expression of the author’s personal point of view. The topic of the essay can be any, including the work of the author.

You will need

Computer, text editor.

Instruction manual


Limit your essay size to a minimum. The volume of such a work is always small, the number of characters is comparable with the number of characters in a newspaper article - 500-3000 characters with spaces (up to 12-14 font in the printed page in the editor). In this volume you need to contain as much information and arguments as possible, so when writing an essay, choose the simplest and most comprehensive formulations possible.


Express your thoughts in free form. The genre of the essay does not imply special requirements for the style or order of transmission of thoughts. However, for convenience, mentally imagine its composition as a diagram: introduction - the main part - the conclusion. The main part should be of the same volume as the introduction and conclusion combined, you can even exceed this difference.


Starting the introductory part, remember the student years. The beginning of the essay is a bit like the chapter “Introduction” in the student essay. But, if in volumetric work relevance, goals, objectives, and other categorical apparatus occupy up to several pages, the essay allows the question to be asked with a maximum of one or two sentences.


In the introduction, almost at the end of the section, pose a question that you will discuss throughout the essay. This is the topic indicated in the title. For example, an essay about work may have the following title: “Motivation of young specialists in the field of creating gaming software, ” then the question will sound something like this: why do young professionals develop gaming software. But, before asking a question directly, tell us about the history of its occurrence: who first spoke, how the attitude to the question has changed over time, what your contemporaries think. Be sure to leave the question open, explain that there is still no definite answer, but you are ready to give it.


In the main part, state your own opinion. Give some examples from personal experience to confirm it. Be sure to attach statistics from reliable sources, indicate the opinions of experts. Do not forget about historical information: your point of view was probably shared by one of the predecessors. If necessary, quote people interested in the matter.


In the final essay summarize. Confirm your point of view, try to make predictions for the development of the situation in the future.

Useful advice

The topic of an essay on work may not only be the answer. Your opinion may consist in raising the question and proposing several solutions. In this case, list all the advantages and disadvantages of each turn of events.

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