How to write a thesis

How to write a thesis
How to write a thesis

Video: How to Write a STRONG Thesis Statement | Scribbr 🎓 2024, July

Video: How to Write a STRONG Thesis Statement | Scribbr 🎓 2024, July

The final stage of training at a higher educational institution is the writing of a student’s academic research work - thesis. In order to prepare a high-quality diploma work and defend it “excellently”, a student will need the knowledge gained during all the years of study at the university. What should I look for when preparing a diploma?

Instruction manual


First, select a thesis topic. If you are a full-time student, try to find a topic that is close and interesting to you, which you understand. If you work and study at the same time, choose the topic of the diploma in relation to your organization, closer to what you specifically do. In this case, it will be much easier for you to collect all the necessary information for the study.


Coordinate the selected topic with the supervisor, if necessary, make adjustments. Contact with the project manager is very important. Exchange phones with him, arrange the time for consultations. For no good reason, do not miss scheduled appointments. Many leaders meet students by communicating via email. This is especially convenient for nonresident external students. Try to make a good impression on the supervisor, establish good relations and fruitful cooperation with him, so that he provides you with the necessary support and guides you on the right path.


Make a plan for the thesis. This is a very important point, and here the supervisor must help you. Discuss with him the approximate content of each section. As a rule, the thesis consists of introduction, theoretical and practical part, conclusion, list of sources used in the work and applications. Depending on the requirements of each particular educational institution, the thesis should be presented on 60-100 pages of typewritten text.


In the introduction justify the relevance and practical significance of the topic of the thesis; briefly identify the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study; consider the methods of its implementation; reveal the main content of the work, its structure. An introduction is usually written after the bulk of the diploma is written.


In the theoretical part, describe and analyze the general concepts of the topic of the thesis. The theoretical part is an overview of all the laws and approaches to the study of your chosen topic. Here also state your own proposals for solving the problem posed in the work, describe an approximate methodology for future research.


Pay particular attention to the practical part of the thesis. Describe in detail all the details of the study, provide the necessary calculations, diagrams and graphs. Be sure to justify the methods used to conduct the study. Describe by points all the results obtained.


In conclusion, summarize the work done, draw conclusions, clearly state your specific proposals for improving the current situation, solving the problem and improving the whole process. Innovations are very appreciated - the application of an innovative approach in solving the problem described in the thesis.


Most importantly, do not put off until the last moment the process of preparing the thesis so as not to create unnecessary problems before the defense. Make yourself work on the diploma for 2-3 hours daily as soon as you approve the research topic with the supervisor and make a plan. Then you can write a truly high-quality work, which all members of the certification committee will be satisfied with.

Useful advice

Place additional materials in the application so as not to overload the main sections of the work. The application usually puts all the large graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, calculations, extracts from decisions and other documents.

how to make a thesis