How to find an adverb

How to find an adverb
How to find an adverb

Video: How to Find Adverb in a Sentence | Adverb Questions 2024, July

Video: How to Find Adverb in a Sentence | Adverb Questions 2024, July

The term "adverb" is a tracing-paper from the Latin adverbum, which literally translates into Russian as "verb". The fact is that in the Old Russian language the verb was called a speech. The process of transitioning words from other parts of speech to an adverb is called adverbialization.

You will need

A sentence in which to find an adverb.

Instruction manual


To find an adverb in the text, you need to know its main features. If a word has signs, then it belongs to the desired part of speech.


Firstly, one must proceed from the definition of an adverb, because it contains several signs at once. An adverb is a significant (or independent) part of speech with the meaning of a sign of action, quality, condition or sign. Answers questions of signs (How? How? Why? Where? Why? Etc.). An adverb does not change, and in a sentence it is most often a circumstance or an inconsistent definition.


Adverbs can be formed from different parts of speech: - from adverbs with the help of prefixes ne-, na-, -, pose-, after-, etc. (yesterday - the day before yesterday); - from nouns using suffixes –th, –th, –th, etc. (evening - evening); - from adjectives using suffixes –o, –e, ––, etc. (light - light); - from numerals using suffixes - once, -th (two - twice, three - three). Many other ways of forming adverbs are known, for example, from different parts of speech using the prefix -by and-suffixes -om / -this (in a simple way), particles - / / or / / / (anywhere).


Continuous, separate or hyphen spelling of adverbs, as a rule, optional, there is no clear system of rules, the spelling needs to be remembered.


So, highlight the potential adverb in the text and see if the word meets all the requirements. For example, you can take the sentence: No matter how you convince him, he will do it his own way. See if there is a word to which you can ask one of the dialect questions. Such a word is “in its own way”, it answers the questions “How? How?” and the sign of action matters. It is impossible to change the word “in one's own way”; it has only one form. Since this is a sign of action, in the sentence the word will be a circumstance of the mode of action. It is formed from the pronoun "own" with the prefix po and suffix –em. All signs indicate that you have an adverb.