How to read in 2017

How to read in 2017
How to read in 2017

Video: The 9 Best Books I Read in 2017 2024, July

Video: The 9 Best Books I Read in 2017 2024, July

The modern world offers a person a huge amount of information presented in various forms: television, radio, printed matter and, of course, electronic media. However, to this day, a book in one form or another seems to be the main way to convey any knowledge. Therefore, correct and quick reading is a very useful skill.

Instruction manual


In order to be able to quickly and productively remember and analyze the information presented on the pages of a textbook or an art novel, first of all, you will need a personal desire and determination.


In fact, the speed of reading is not so important, because you may just not remember what was shown on the pages of the book, so you need to concentrate and discard all unnecessary thoughts. You have an open book in front of you (or a monitor screen), there is nothing else around. Leave everything else for later. In addition, try not to read every written word and sign.


You can experiment with reading methods and choose the most profitable one. To get started, take the first paragraph (chapter) and try to read the entire text carefully, capturing each line on the page. In this case, it is necessary to detect how much time you need for this.


The second way is reading diagonally. It is convenient in that it allows you to cover large amounts of text in a short time. In this case, you need to imagine an imaginary line running diagonally from the upper left corner to the lower right. As you read, you need to grab not only those words that are located on an imaginary line, but also those that are located in the neighborhood: to the right and left, as well as above and below. Thus, you get a fairly holistic picture of what you read.


The third way - you need to familiarize yourself with the annotation, content, introduction and conclusion. Based on the material read, try to formulate in your head a general plan: what is this book about, what ideas is the author trying to convey to the reader, etc. Then take a pencil and start reading. As you go, pay attention to the text in italics and digests. In difficult and obscure places of the book, make notes to return to them later.


The latter option seems rather unusual, but with a little practice, you will probably achieve the desired result. Over time, try combining the first and second methods. Then your results can be simply impressive.