How to draw a wind rose

How to draw a wind rose
How to draw a wind rose

Video: How to make a wind rose in excel 2024, July

Video: How to make a wind rose in excel 2024, July

A wind rose is a circular vector diagram that shows the frequency of wind in various directions over a period of time. A wind rose is usually constructed according to long-term average data for a year, season, month.

You will need

  • - paper;

  • - pencil or pen;

  • - "weather calendar".

Instruction manual


In order to draw a wind rose yourself, you will need data on the daily wind direction for a certain time. For example, you can observe the weather for one month by daily recording wind direction in the Weather Calendar.


Draw on a piece of paper intersecting lines (according to the coordinate system) that will indicate the main cardinal points, otherwise they are also called the rumba of the horizon, (north – south, west – east). Then draw two more lines through the center (northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast). In total, you should get eight directions (points). Sign their names on your drawing (C; S; S; W; B; S-3; S-B; S-3; S-B).


Using the data of the Weather Calendar, for each direction from the center to the direction where the wind blows, mark on the scale the number of days during which the wind of a certain direction prevailed. You can choose any convenient scale, for example, take 1 day for 0.5 cm. If, for example, the south-west wind blew for 5 months within a month, then it is necessary to postpone from the center of the graph along the line that is directed to the south-west 2.5 cm and make a mark.


In the same way, make wind marks in each of the eight directions.


Connect the marks obtained in a straight line. In the center of the wind rose or next to it, indicate the number of days with calm weather.


From the rays of the wind rose, you can conclude about the prevailing winds in your area for a month.


The direction of the wind is the side (point) of the horizon from where the wind blows. Accordingly, the south wind always blows to the north, west - to the east, south-west - to the northeast, etc. In meteorology, wind direction is determined by 8 or 16 points.

Useful advice

The first written mention of the wind rose dates back to the 12th century.

Graphs of wind roses are compulsorily compiled in the design of construction projects in order to take into account the influence of prevailing winds in a particular region in the construction of housing, social and cultural facilities and industry.