How to draw a model in vertical and horizontal projections

How to draw a model in vertical and horizontal projections
How to draw a model in vertical and horizontal projections

Video: Projection of points and lines | Engineering Drawing | #1 | PCE | Prof. Sonali Parida 2024, July

Video: Projection of points and lines | Engineering Drawing | #1 | PCE | Prof. Sonali Parida 2024, July

Drawing a model in horizontal and vertical projections is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Having mastered a few simple rules of the school drawing program, you will certainly cope with the goal and perform the necessary projections.

Instruction manual


Always start with a simple one; do not immediately tackle the difficult execution of drawings. To do this, purchase in the store or do yourself a simple layout or figure made of materials such as paper or wood. A good example always improves visual memory and helps you navigate in space.


Take a piece of white thick paper and divide it into two identical parts with a pencil and a ruler. At the same time, determine for yourself where the horizontal and vertical projections will be located on this sheet. Most often, these projections are one above the other. This makes it easier to transfer the same points in parallel along the plane of the sheet.


Never forget to sign the designed points, otherwise there may be confusion in the projection of your model. Use not only letters, but also numbers. Do not transfer points from one plane to another without the use of a ruler, a raiser.


Before embarking on the projections themselves, consider each step you take. Only in this way can you quickly formulate a sequence of actions. Having learned how to correctly perform the simplest drawings, proceed gradually to more complex ones. Check your layouts with previously completed work, do not make previous mistakes.


Control the reliability of your projections and do not be afraid to seek the help of tutors and people who are actively working in any area of ​​design. On this topic, there is a huge amount of reference literature, guidelines, following which, you will certainly become well-oriented in space, and your images will add up by themselves.


Do not proceed with projections without first exploring the basic patterns of projection. Carefully monitor which lines in the drawings are visible and invisible, where and in which cases they should be drawn. Control the correctness of implementation with the help of GOSTs, norms and rules established in the territory of our country.