How to learn spanish

How to learn spanish
How to learn spanish

Video: Learn Spanish in 10 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Video: Learn Spanish in 10 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Spanish is one of the most beautiful and logical in the world. And, at the same time, one of the most popular: it is spoken by more than 500 million people in the world. In order to study it, you need not only a passion for Spanish culture, but also a clear scheme of classes.

Instruction manual


A strict schedule or free? When learning Spanish, you need to act from different directions: read, write, listen and, of course, communicate. But, first of all, you need to understand what style of training will be the most comfortable. Is it better to study Spanish in a group of students or individually, together with a teacher? Learn Spanish on strictly defined days or when convenient? In a respectable language center with a linguist from Madrid or online with friends from Spain? There are people who are more comfortable feeling part of a group of like-minded people. And there are those who are annoyed to repeat the same phrase in chorus. So the question of comfort is a matter of principle. This is the foundation of future knowledge.


Another program or your own scheme? The second step is no less important. There are people who prefer to study on their own, in the "I'm my own boss" mode, and those who need a caring overseer-teacher. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand whether it is worthwhile to choose a teacher who will set tasks, deadlines for their completion, will eventually, or schedule a lesson, keep a notebook of progress, new words, problems and questions that need to be clarified with a consultant. A consultant does not mean a Russian-speaking teacher from the nearest linguistic center. They could equally well be an American college student, a housewife from Argentina, or a refrigerator sales manager from Honduras.


Paid tutor or language partner? When learning a language, teachers recommend finding a language partner. This helps to overcome the psychological block, remove fear and insecurity in a foreign language. If it’s not possible to chat live (visit Spanish culture centers or hang out with students from Hispanic countries), then you should look for a language partner on the Internet. It can be paid and free. A private tutor, quite possibly a professional linguist or a person who successfully pretends to be a professional, will ask for $ 10 for forty minutes of communication.


A free language partner can be found in educational social networks:,, and many others. There you can find paid and free Spanish courses, as well as applications that help learn a foreign language. It should only be remembered that the language of communication will most likely be English. And it may also be that the language partner himself will be interested in learning the Russian language. And in order for the Spaniard to check the essay, clarify the grammar or correct the pronunciation, you will have to learn Russian on Skype.


It makes sense to register in Spanish-language forums dedicated to music, films, sports - any topic that interests you. This will help overcome psychological discomfort and make new friends among Hispanic.


The real language does not live in textbooks, but in the minds of people, and they can have a different education, upbringing and, most importantly, a different dialect. There are more than forty dialects of the Spanish language. This is worth remembering when choosing a language partner.

Online Club for People Learning Spanish and Culture