How to pass the exam without a tutor

How to pass the exam without a tutor
How to pass the exam without a tutor

Video: Passing Exams Without Studying - Sadhguru 2024, July

Video: Passing Exams Without Studying - Sadhguru 2024, July

The exam has been considered a mandatory exam for graduates of grade 11 for many years. And on what its results will be, the possibility of entering a university depends on it, so you need to be well prepared for this exam.

You will need

  • - clean notebooks;

  • - type tests;

  • - computer;

  • - the Internet.

Instruction manual


It is better to start preparing for the exam as early as possible before passing it. Most students prepare for the exam in the last two years of school. This is an ideal option. If you decide to prepare yourself, then this time will be enough for you to successfully prepare and pass the exam.


To begin with, you should clearly define the time that you will spend on preparation. It is best to distribute it evenly throughout the week. You will learn more material by giving preparation one hour a day than if you will rest for six days, and spend the entire seventh sitting on textbooks.


It is also worth clearly identifying the subjects for which you need to pass the exam. Many people choose a large number of subjects, so that without gaining points one at a time, enter the university with others. This is also correct, but it is better to choose no more than one item for the fallback option. Otherwise, you may not have enough energy and time to prepare.


Get notebooks specifically for preparing for the exam in each subject. They should be written out all the rules and formulas that may be needed in the exam, so that if necessary, quickly restore them in memory, you did not have to look for where they are written. So you just need to scroll through the notebook.


It’s best to prepare for an exam of this kind on the type tests. They can be bought at any bookstore, and can also be found online on sites to prepare for the exam. When you will choose tests, be sure to see that they are of the year in which you pass the exam. At first glance, they are not much different from last year, but in fact, many of the nuances change every year. How well you pass the exam can depend on this.


When you decide on preparatory tests, consider each task. In no case do not put the answer at random, as this does not make sense. If you do not remember the material on which the question was asked, find a theory and study well. You can go to the school teacher and clarify if something remains incomprehensible.


Also on the Internet there are many videos that explain in detail how to solve most tasks in tests for each subject. Experienced teachers tell this. These online classes can easily replace tutoring. You can find an explanation for almost any topic. And you can do it at any time convenient for you.


With independent preparation for the exam, the main enemy is laziness. After all, most tutors are engaged in explaining to students material that they are too lazy to learn for themselves.

Useful advice

Look for as many sources of information as possible to pass the exam. Do not get hung up on just one thing, for example, on online tests. The more ways you can learn a subject, the better prepared.