How to prepare for candidate exams

How to prepare for candidate exams
How to prepare for candidate exams

Video: 5 Tips for Preparing for the CFA Exams 2024, July

Video: 5 Tips for Preparing for the CFA Exams 2024, July

The very first and most important stage of postgraduate study is passing the candidate minimum. After passing the exams, pre-defense will follow, and later the defense of the dissertation. How to prepare for the exams?

Instruction manual


First of all, write and submit an essay on the subject "History and Philosophy of Science" to the appropriate department. Prior to passing the candidate minimum, graduate students who have received a positive mark for it are allowed. On the title page of the abstract, your supervisor must sign and leave a review, otherwise the abstract will not be accepted. And it is the supervisor who evaluates the degree of your preparedness for independent research work and the possibility of admission to the exam.


Take the required test in a foreign language, which is part of the mandatory program for passing candidate exams. You will need to translate into Russian the original text for your specialty. It is necessary to submit the translation in the form of an abstract (at least 200 thousand printed characters), which is submitted to the Department of Foreign Languages ​​for review. If there are no comments, get permission to take the final test in a foreign language.


Write an application for admission to the candidate exams in your special subject. If you have a positive review and successfully pass the test in accordance with the order of the administration, you will be included in the list of graduate students allowed to pass the candidate minimum.


Get ready for the exam directly. It takes place in a form familiar to all, and takes its commission, created from doctors of sciences and candidates. But unlike ordinary students, you must more deeply answer the question and analyze the material, citing a lot of sources. To do this, take several textbooks from different authors and representatives of different "schools" so that, answering a question, you can give a detailed answer and present many points of view. In case of failure in the exam in the specialty, the opportunity is given for re-passing.