How to prepare a speech for the defense of a diploma

How to prepare a speech for the defense of a diploma
How to prepare a speech for the defense of a diploma

Video: How To Defend Your Thesis? Top 10 Tips For Success 2024, July

Video: How To Defend Your Thesis? Top 10 Tips For Success 2024, July

The defense of the graduation project is one of the final stages on the way to obtaining a document on higher education. Preparation for it consists not only of the actual conduct and design of the study, but also of writing a speech to be delivered to the commission.

Instruction manual


Carefully study your graduation project. Highlight its features and major achievements. It is worth starting a speech with the relevance of the topic of work. Indicate exactly what its interest is for the scientific community, what is the degree of development of the topic today. Mention why you decided to work with her, that is, justify the choice of topic. Clearly describe the goals and objectives of the study.


Describe the structure of the work. List the chapters and paragraphs, revealing their contents a little. So you give the commission the opportunity to understand what is meant in your diploma. Try not to focus on theoretical aspects. It’s more important for the commission to find out what your practical part contains. Spend more time analyzing the subject and subject identified in the introduction.


Tell us about the methodological basis used in your work. The best way to reflect this information is to select several authors and show a multi-faceted view of the same problem. It is advisable to list at least five books, monographs, articles or manuals.


Provide the results of your work. They will consist in designating the achieved goal, solving assigned tasks, and forming several reasonable conclusions on the problem. Mandatory item are recommendations for improving the facility.


Read the finished speech aloud without forgetting to time the clock. Usually five to eight minutes are allotted for one performance. It is imperative to keep within this limit, because otherwise you may be interrupted in the middle, which will not allow the commission to appreciate your project.


Be sure to visit pre-defense. This event will allow you to evaluate the reaction of the audience, work out your oratory skills and take into account comments. In addition, try to remember the questions that you will be asked. Perhaps it is to them you will have to respond to the defense.

Useful advice

Do not go into the details of your research. Speech on defense should only superficially illuminate your project. Its purpose is to interest the commission, show your achievements and acquaint with the conclusions and recommendations based on the study.