How to learn effectively

How to learn effectively
How to learn effectively

Video: 5 BEST Ways to Study Effectively | Scientifically Proven 2024, July

Video: 5 BEST Ways to Study Effectively | Scientifically Proven 2024, July

To organize an effective learning process at school, it is necessary to take into account many conditions, such as the individual characteristics of the student, the schedule of classes at the educational institution, and time for rest. This tutorial on planning the educational process will help you to organize the most productive time for preparing for exams, homework, and additional research.

general information

24 hours a day. 8 hours goes to sleep. All the remaining 16 hours are at your disposal. It is up to you to decide how effectively you want to use this time for yourself.

Time planning

To correctly determine the time for a particular job, you must find those time intervals when the work will go more productively. This will save time for other things. Thus, you can perform several times more tasks for the same time period.

1. Part of the homework is best done in the morning, since in the morning brain activity is 2 times more effective than daytime. This means that the morning hour of work is equal to two hours of daytime work. Therefore, two hours = four hours. Performing some tasks in the morning, you can not only significantly save time, but also refresh the tasks in memory immediately before the lessons.

2. Use a timer to combine work and relaxation. It is recommended to combine 40 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest or 1 hour of work and 15 minutes of rest. Moreover, rest from work should involve a short dream, meditation or listening to classical music. It is not recommended to use gadgets during the holidays, play games, watch TV. From such a rest, motivation for learning is lost and a state of fatigue and unpreparedness for the perception of new material appears.

3. Limit pastime on social networks. You can choose only a few small time intervals per day for this. For example, you can check social networks twice a day for 15 minutes.

4. Try to combine different types of activities. For example, an hour of history, then rest and an hour of math. This alternation will allow you to increase work efficiency.

5. If you spend a lot of time on the road, then you should come up with a way to spend it profitably. Read books while in transport or listen to audio lectures. This is another plus to the overall productivity of your day.

6. Turn off the TV. See only significant programs. In no case do not replace the time that could be spent on self-improvement, watching TV.

7. Do not scold yourself for unsuccessful things. Try to find another way to solve these complex problems. Ask for the help of your teachers or mentors. Never leave a question unresolved until the end.

8. Do not take on many responsibilities. Spend more time on what you are really interested in and what will be relevant for you in the future.

9. Use a short sleep. Not more than 40 minutes. After a short sleep, your brain will work more fruitfully.

10. Encourage yourself for success, always look for motivation. Lack of motivation and incentives are the main constraints on your activity. Read more inspirational articles, biographies of great personalities and other materials that encourage you to do a particular job.

This is the basis that must be considered when planning educational activities. Combining your individual features with these advisory tips, you can organize your work in a more productive way and achieve significant academic success.