How to make links in the abstract

How to make links in the abstract
How to make links in the abstract

Video: Adding your Files and Libraries in Abstract 2024, July

Video: Adding your Files and Libraries in Abstract 2024, July

When writing essays and research papers, various sources are used. According to generally accepted requirements, when mentioning information from these sources in the text, it is necessary to make references to them.

Instruction manual


References in scientific papers are paginated (located on the same page on which the source is mentioned) and end (located at the end of a section or chapter). To place a link using MS Word in the abstract, go to the "Links" tab.


Place the cursor immediately after the word or phrase you want to add a link to. Next, depending on the type of links used, select either “Insert Footnote” or “Insert Endnote”. The word next to which the cursor was placed will be marked with a superscript - an Arabic numeral. A line marked with the same number will appear at the bottom of the page or at the end of the section.


Enter the information about the source of the information you provide in the line that appears. In the link, indicate the author and the name of the source, year and place of publication, the page on which the quote you are using is located. For example: Balabanov I.T. Currency operations / I.T. Balabanov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1993. - S. 52.


If you do not quote the text from the original source, then start the link with the words: "Quote from:".

If the data and provisions that you mention are disclosed in several sources, use the words: "See, for example:", "See, in particular, …".

When it should be noted that additional literature is indicated in the link, indicate: "See also:".

Useful advice

As a rule, abstracts use paginated links with continuous numbering.

If you cite several links to the same source on one page of the abstract, then in the footnotes put the words: "There" and the page number to which you link.

Even if some information about the source is mentioned in the text of the abstract (for example, the name of the author or the name of the book), still repeat it in the link. In this case, put a footnote after the quote if the explanatory text precedes it or is included in its middle.

pagination links