How to make cold calls successfully

How to make cold calls successfully
How to make cold calls successfully

Video: How To NAIL The First 30 Seconds of A Cold Call 2024, July

Video: How To NAIL The First 30 Seconds of A Cold Call 2024, July

The specifics of the work of some companies is such that sales are not made according to requests from potential customers, but due to the activity of sales managers. In this case, the ability of employees to make outgoing calls plays a big role in the success of the business.

Instruction manual


Cold calls can be made in order to conclude a transaction if the company specializes in telephone sales, or to schedule an appointment with a future customer. Sales managers do not like to engage in cold calling, because this is a serious way out of the comfort zone for a poorly trained employee. At the same time, calls to customers are sometimes the only sales channel. An excellent way out of this situation will be the quality training of sales managers in the field of cold calls.


You should take into account all the differences in personal contact with a client from talking on the phone. When meeting, the seller can use his skills, non-verbal signals, facial expressions, gestures in order to convince the customer. A specialist in cold calls cannot back up his words with eye contact, external charm, or visual samples. Therefore, employees sitting on the phone should at least smile when talking. Firstly, a smile helps to relieve tension. Secondly, it affects the voice, making intonations more pleasant.


It is important to find out from the interlocutor about how much time he has for the conversation, or to obtain his consent to the conversation, prudently indicating its duration. The trump card for a cold calling specialist will be the opportunity to use all the additional materials, sample conversation patterns, product descriptions, and tips. But you need to use this information wisely. If the interlocutor understands that you are reading a piece of paper or automatically uttering a memorized text, you will lose significantly in his eyes. Give your intonation liveliness, play pauses, try to adapt to the pace of the interlocutor.