How to do homework class 7

How to do homework class 7
How to do homework class 7

Video: How To Do Homework Fast | Best Hacks To Complete The Pending Work | How to do Home work | Study tips 2024, July

Video: How To Do Homework Fast | Best Hacks To Complete The Pending Work | How to do Home work | Study tips 2024, July

In the seventh grade, several new subjects are added to the school curriculum of the educational institution. Therefore, learning and doing homework becomes a little more difficult than before.

Instruction manual


Pay special attention to new, recently appeared subjects of the program. In the seventh grade, as a rule, such disciplines as are added to the educational minimum:

- physics;

- politics and law (social science);

- The basics of computer science and computer technology;

- art;

- math is replaced by algebra and geometry;

- chemistry.

Since these items are new to you, at the initial stage of study you will have to make every effort to keep up with these disciplines. Start preparing homework in grade 7 precisely with them, until they are given to you with ease.


In the 7th grade, in the lessons of physics, chemistry and computer science, students begin to be given homework for the first time. For their implementation, take a special notebook, for each discipline - a separate one. Notebook must be replaced every quarter, so a 12 or 24-sheet is quite enough. Laboratory work is a written design of an experiment that was set for you at home. At the beginning of it, the exact name of the work, its purpose and the tools with which it will be performed are indicated. Then describe in detail the order of the experiment and the results obtained.


If in the 7th grade you have difficulties with homework, use the GDZ, which is now published by many publishers of school literature. The abbreviation "GDZ" stands for "finished homework." This book contains answers to all the tasks and exercises provided by the educational program for the seventh grade. This book can be bought at any bookstore, or you can download a free copy on the Internet. Since there is no unified list of textbooks in the Ministry of Education, in the State Duma, usually for each discipline, there are several books of different authors with detailed decisions.


The key to the quality of your homework - the utmost attention when explaining new material in the lesson. You cannot complete the task if you do not fully understand the topic studied. Therefore, carefully outline the words of the teacher in the lesson, do not be distracted by the chatting roommates and other factors.