How to quickly learn lectures

How to quickly learn lectures
How to quickly learn lectures

Video: Study Less Study Smart: A 6-Minute Summary of Marty Lobdell's Lecture - College Info Geek 2024, July

Video: Study Less Study Smart: A 6-Minute Summary of Marty Lobdell's Lecture - College Info Geek 2024, July

There are times when you need to learn information in a very short period of time. It is quite possible to do this, but only if you fully concentrate on the subject being studied.

Instruction manual


Start learning as early as possible. Preferably - in the early morning. At this time, the body is rested, and the head is still not full of different thoughts, problems and deeds, so the information will be remembered much faster and easier.


Learn downward. First, disassemble the most complex and incomprehensible material, and then move on to the lighter. In extreme cases, they can be alternated.


Get to the bottom of the lecture. The amount of remembered information will be the greater, the higher the degree of its understanding. Do not waste time, which you already have so little, in memorizing all the information. Just carefully read the material, trying to understand what is at stake, and remember the main points. After that, you can easily answer any question regarding the subject even remotely. And also make any independent conclusions, which will fully reveal the fullness of your knowledge.


Focus on the lecture you are studying. Turn off the computer and sound on the phone, do not be distracted by extraneous matters, no matter how tempting they may be. Take a break for 15-30 minutes every two hours. During this, relax as much as possible and rest your head. This is best done during a walk in the fresh air.


Retell the material you read. Having studied one topic, tell yourself about it without peeping into the lecture. Try to remember everything you can. After that, look in the notebook and find the missed moments. In addition, speaking the answer out loud will help you feel more confident in front of the teacher and will relieve your speech of stuttering and unnecessary parasitic words.


Make a short outline from memory of each topic from which you will build upon the disclosure of material. And in no case do not waste time writing cheat sheets, which, perhaps, you will not have a chance to use.