How to analyze a Russian language lesson

How to analyze a Russian language lesson
How to analyze a Russian language lesson

Video: SECOND RULE | How to Learn Russian Language? | ENG CC 2024, July

Video: SECOND RULE | How to Learn Russian Language? | ENG CC 2024, July

An analysis of the Russian language lesson is a comparison of the individual methodology of the teacher with an ideal theoretical model. Consequently, analytical work involves a clear structure, uniform terminology, and coherent constructive conclusions.

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It is necessary to decide which type of analysis of the lesson in this case is preferable: short, complex or aspect. Brief implies a general assessment of the work of the teacher, student training, scientific and technical level. Comprehensive analysis suggests that the reviewer will analyze how the content, forms and methods of organizing the lesson work to achieve the goals and objectives. An aspect analysis of the Russian language lesson implies "debriefing" in a specific area: educational, didactic or organizational.


Each analytical note assumes general points regarding the structure of the lesson. The analyst makes these notes throughout the lesson. It is always necessary to indicate the type and type of lesson. For example, a type is a lesson-lecture or a lesson-conversation or a lesson of a mixed type. View - workshop, workshop. Next, you need to indicate the topic, designate the place of the lesson in the group of general lessons in this section, formulate goals and objectives, mark the organization of the beginning of the lesson: how to enter the new topic, is it justified from a psychological and didactic point of view. It should be noted how the repetition of what has been studied is carried out and whether schoolchildren are psychologically ready to learn new things. The reviewer notes how to study and consolidate the "fresh" material, plus analyzes the features of homework.


Post hoc analysis. The analytic educator should pay attention not to the teacher’s speech, the psycho-emotional state of the students by the end of the lesson (whether they were overloaded or vice versa, did not have time to open up). The analyst himself answers the question whether the objectives of the lesson have been achieved and makes recommendations for improving the quality of classes or notes which pedagogical methods other teachers can borrow. It is especially important to indicate how friendly the Russian scholar is with information technology and whether the class is equipped with computers, voice recorders, an interactive whiteboard, and other pedagogical gadgets.


The terminological discord is one of the most common mistakes of reviewers. To clarify the definitions, you need to use the "canonical" academic textbooks of pedagogy.