Electronic magazine at school: an overview of popular programs

Electronic magazine at school: an overview of popular programs
Electronic magazine at school: an overview of popular programs

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With the general computerization of education, the student’s journal and diary can no longer remain only in the traditional form, therefore their electronic counterparts appear. Not in all regions of the country their implementation went peacefully, because such innovations caused discontent among many teachers who were forced to keep two journals instead.

The country's educational institutions have the right to independently determine on which platform their electronic journal will be based. Three of the information systems turned out to be one of the most demanded: "AVERS: Electronic Classroom Journal", ASU "Virtual School" "Diary.ru".

They have the same principle of operation, their functioning is organized on the basis of the traditional classroom journal and the student’s paper diary. "Virtual School" - a program that is comfortable for work. It has a convenient interface for all users of the system, allows you to enter not only minimal information about teachers and students, but also information about extracurricular activities, track the employment of teachers in school methodological associations of teachers. For students in the program "Virtual School" the opportunity to take a test to determine their own career guidance is implemented, which helps to attract students to work with an electronic diary, which is based on the ACS "Virtual School". It is important that the class teacher can add newly arrived students to the list of students in his class at any convenient time or issue an order for the student to drop out. This software is freely available on the Internet and does not require local installation and maintenance.

"AVERS: Electronic Classroom Journal" - software that is directly related to AIAS "Director". The program "Director" is installed locally and is a database from which information about teachers and students, periods of study is generated in an electronic classroom journal located on the same platform. "AVERS: Electronic Classroom Journal" provides limited opportunities to all users of the system. For teachers, they are determined by introducing topics of lessons, setting marks, recording homework. Class teachers in schools working with the ABERS electronic classroom journal do not have the opportunity to bring in newly arrived students in a timely manner, as this is done through the Director program, which is installed locally, because this is usually done by the school system administrator.

However, the positive aspect of this software is the function of the internal communication of the teacher, the class teacher with the parents of the students. However, there is no feedback, that is, it is carried out unilaterally. Such a function is in demand among teachers working with this software, as well as parents who want to receive timely information about their child’s activities in school. ACS "Virtual School" and "Diary.ru" suggest a two-way communication between participants in the educational process.

"Diary.ru" realizes the possibility of creating an individual profile for each participant in the educational process. Students can not only receive timely information about homework, grades, but also communicate with each other according to their interests in groups, maintain a blog, add pictures, audio and video recordings to their profile. This motivates schoolchildren to turn to an electronic diary more often.

"Diary.ru" implements the function of working with magazines and diaries from mobile devices, which is currently relevant. "AVERS: Electronic Classroom Magazine" and ACS "Virtual School" provide only the ability to view, but not put marks, presence / absence and other information from mobile devices.