What is the grammatical basis of a sentence

What is the grammatical basis of a sentence
What is the grammatical basis of a sentence

Video: Basic Grammar Rules: English Sentence Structure 2024, July

Video: Basic Grammar Rules: English Sentence Structure 2024, July

The grammatical basis is often called predicative, that is, static, basic. It is formed by the two main members of the sentence: the predicate and the subject. But they still need to be able to correctly determine.

In most cases, the subject is expressed as a pronoun or noun used in the nominative case. However, it may also be:

  • Communion, adjective or numeral in the nominative case, which acts as a noun. For example, three go and think of nothing.
  • A construction of a numeral and a noun in the genitive case. For example, several boys climbed over a fence and stole apples. The grammatical basis of the sentence here will be "a few boys climbed over."
  • If the predicate is expressed in the plural, then the subject can be expressed in a construction consisting of a noun (or pronoun) with another noun (or pronoun) in the instrumental case. For example, Vanya and I walked in the woods at night.
  • Also, the subject may be an infinitive expressing an action that does not occur in time. For example, live in a noble way.

Another component of the grammatical basis of the sentence is the predicate. It is of three main types:

  • A simple verb predicate - if it consists of one word and is a verb or consists of several words, but is a phraseological unit or a form of the future tense. For example, she will take part in competitions.
  • Compound nominal predicate - if it consists of one word and is not a verb or consists of several words, but the infinitive is not included in the predicate. For example, everything on this shore was washed by a strong current. The grammatical basis of the sentence: "everything was washed."
  • Compound verb predicate - contains more than one word and contains an infinitive, while not being a phraseological unit. For example, I really want to sing on stage.