What is a euphemism?

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What is a euphemism?
What is a euphemism?

Video: What are Euphemisms? ESL Figurative Language Lesson 2024, July

Video: What are Euphemisms? ESL Figurative Language Lesson 2024, July

The word "euphemism" comes from the Greek "euphémia", which means abstinence from inappropriate expressions, in other words, this term means the replacement of rude words with softer, and sometimes proper names with conditional meanings. Euphemisms are used in different cases and for different purposes, often these words say a lot about the stage of development of society and the level of culture.

Reasons for Using Euphemisms

The euphemism phenomenon occurs in those cases when a person under the influence of prohibitions, superstitions or religious beliefs can not speak about certain objects of the world without mitigation or allegory. For example, undergoing superstition, people find a substitute for the words "death", "die" - "death", "go to the forefathers", "leave the mortal world", "give God the soul", "order to live long."

In a society where there is a place for decency, etiquette is the reason for using euphemism is the desire to avoid unacceptable expressions. So, they say "compose" instead of "lie."

Another reason for the use of various kinds of euphemisms is the observance of military or commercial secrets, when many names are replaced by letters - "Ensk", "one of the neighboring powers."

Characteristic is the variable status of euphemisms, which is quite normal in past centuries, regarded by new generations as vulgarity or abuse. So, the word "kurva" in the Slavic language meant "chicken", and later became a euphemism for the name of the libertine.

What are euphemisms for?

1. When using euphemism, the interlocutor seeks not to cause discomfort in communicating with him. Therefore, words are used that can more gently express a particular phenomenon: hard of hearing - deaf, blind - blind, full - fat.

2. For the language of a totalitarian society, where it is important to give objects a different meaning, to veil what is happening: institution - prison, well-wisher - informer.

3. Giving the speech a certain "encryption" so that the meaning is hidden from the speaker, but at the same time it is completely clear to him: persons with bad habits - who love alcohol, to pay attention - to provide services of an intimate nature.

Language tools and methods of euphemization

1) qualifier words with diffuse semantics: some, well-known, defined, 2) nouns with a general meaning for reporting actions: stock, product, object, 3) indefinite or demonstrative pronouns, turns of the type this case, one place, 4) foreign words and terms incomprehensible to foreign citizens, used by native speakers: cancer - cancer, liberalization, celadon - womanizer, 5) designations of incompleteness of actions or a weak degree of implementation - not to hear, to limp, 6) abbreviations: VM = capital punishment (punishment), that is, execution, SS = top secret.