Preschool Inspection Act as a Basis of Licensing

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Preschool Inspection Act as a Basis of Licensing
Preschool Inspection Act as a Basis of Licensing

Video: DAYCARE 101 SESSION 2: LICENSING 2024, July

Video: DAYCARE 101 SESSION 2: LICENSING 2024, July

One of the most necessary procedures aimed at determining the right of a preschool institution to carry out educational activities is their licensing. It is drawn up after verification by the expert commission of a particular institution and is fixed by the inspection certificate.

Educational activity, in general, is the creation of methodological, material and pedagogical conditions for the education and upbringing of children in a single institution. For official confirmation of the availability of permission and the ability to engage in this type of activity, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents, successfully pass the audit by an expert commission and obtain a license on the basis of the inspection certificate.

Nuances of obtaining a license

The date of the licensing event is communicated to the institution in advance. At this point, an analysis of economic and pedagogical activity over the past three years, reflected in the report, should be carried out. The head, together with the other representatives of the management of the institution, collect acts and certificates with the endorsement of the OGPN and TsGSEN. It is these documents that establish the sanitary state in the kindergarten and the level of fire safety for all participants in educational activities.

It should be noted that every year on the eve of the school year, management is obliged to conduct an audit of all group rooms with the inclusion of its results in the inspection certificate. Based on the results, all educators are given recommendations to eliminate the identified violations, if any. Then, the Council of Teachers is held, where the results of the readiness of groups for the adoption of children are necessarily summed up.

All these acts can be combined and provided for licensing, supplementing the paperwork with documentation indicating the results of troubleshooting.