Where can I go without passing the exam

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Where can I go without passing the exam
Where can I go without passing the exam

Video: How To Pass An Exam Without Studying (Or Getting Caught) 2024, July

Video: How To Pass An Exam Without Studying (Or Getting Caught) 2024, July

The exams that pass in the format of the exam are both graduation and introductory. And in most cases, admission to universities implies the mandatory passing of the exam in a set of subjects defined for a given specialty - otherwise the selection committee simply refuses to accept documents from the applicant. Are there any exceptions to this rule and is it possible to do without an exam?

Who can enter a university without an exam

The rules for admission of applicants to universities are spelled out in the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". In accordance with it, all the “legitimate” universities that have passed state accreditation form the ranks of freshmen based on the results of the exam. In some cases, the program of entrance exams may also include creative or substantive tests, which are conducted on the basis of universities. But such exams are not held in place of the exam, but in addition to them, an applicant in such cases is still required to present the results of a single state exam in two or three subjects.

All possible exceptions to the rule "if you want to go to college - take the exam" are also stipulated by law. And there are not many of them.

So, those who have the legal right to enter a university without any exams are spared the need to present the results of the exam. These are the "olympiads" of the highest level - winners and prize-winners of the final of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or participants of the Russian national team, speaking at official international subject Olympiads. Moreover, the privilege “works” only on condition that the profile of the olympiad in which the student distinguished himself strictly corresponds to the profile of training at the university. In addition, young people who have demonstrated international-level sporting successes, such as Olympic champions, are admitted to the specialties related to physical education and sports without examinations. It is enough for such applicants to pass the “required minimum”, which allows them to obtain a certificate of secondary education (USE in Russian and basic mathematics) - and they can consider themselves enrolled in the chosen university.

In addition, some categories of applicants may, instead of passing the exam, pass exams in educational subjects on the basis of the university - and the educational institution must provide them with this opportunity. It:

  • foreign applicants;

  • persons who already have higher or secondary vocational education.

All others - including beneficiaries arriving at the budget under the quota, are required to present the exam, and the number of points scored must not be lower than the threshold set by the university.

Let us consider in more detail how and where it is possible to enter different categories of applicants without an exam.

Where can I do without the exam after grade 11

Graduates of Russian schools who have received a certificate of maturity, but for some reason did not pass the exam in excess of the "required minimum" or did not exceed the established threshold, can continue their education in several ways.

  1. Technical schools, professional lyceums and schools. Vocational education in Russia is legally accessible, and the results of the exam are not required for admission to technical schools. A certificate is enough (if there is a competition, those with an average score higher will be credited first of all).

  2. Training courses that allow you to master a specialty and get a “crust” in a few months. And this is not necessarily paid: you can get a referral for free education at the employment service. At the same time, "freshly baked" graduates who received a certificate this year are among the "high priority" for vacant places in groups. The choice of specialties that can be mastered in this way is quite large - from the bartender and the manicurist to the programmer or accountant.

  3. Admission to a foreign university. In this case, however, you will have to pass the entrance tests according to the rules of the country where you plan to study. Mastering a foreign language is not necessary at the same time: for example, in countries that were formerly part of the USSR (for example, Belarus or Latvia), you can find training options in Russian. Another move that will allow you to continue studying without leaving Russia for a long time is to study at a foreign university in absentia or distance learning.

  4. Free preparatory department of the university. This is a new social project for Russia, the “launch” of which took place in 2018. At preparatory departments, opened in dozens of universities (many of which are among the “top” ones), people who already have a certificate of maturity and usually belong to one of the many categories of beneficiaries, ranging from orphans and disabled to former military personnel, are admitted for free -contractors or recruits who have served their duty, having the recommendation of a commander. Students of preparatory departments are intensively trained to pass the exam, "pulling up" knowledge. Such branches are open in all regions, work in full-time or part-time form, while full-time students can be provided with a dormitory and even receive a scholarship.

To enter a university without an exam after college

It is no secret that for many schoolchildren the decision to go to college after grade 9 is due precisely to the reluctance to take a single state exam at the end of school. Indeed, the presence of an ACT diploma makes it possible to build a further educational path and enter universities without an exam. The law on education stipulates that applicants who have studied at technical schools and received a diploma are accepted according to the results of tests conducted on the basis of universities. As a rule, this is testing in general subjects, assessed on a hundred-point scale - and it is believed that it is much easier to pass it than the exam.

A college diploma entitles you to enter any specialty without an exam, regardless of what you received in college. However, if the training profiles coincide, the university program can be run in an accelerated mode, thus “saving” a year.

Do I have to take the exam when I get a second higher education or when I enter the magistracy

People who already have bachelor's or specialist’s diplomas should not have to pass the Unified State Exam for admission to the university, regardless of whether it is about getting a second higher education in another specialty or entering a magistracy.

For such applicants, it’s enough to pass exams on the basis of the university for admission, confirming their knowledge in general subjects included in the test program (for undergraduate or specialty) or in the specialty of preparation (for magistracy).

Can graduates of previous years do without the exam

A single state exam became mandatory for all graduates in 2009, and over the years, people who graduated from school before this time were admitted to universities according to the results of internal exams. However, this rule has now been canceled. And all graduates of past years, regardless of the timing of graduation, are required to act on a common basis. That is, to have on hand the valid results of the exam (recall that the "shelf life" of the exam passed is four years).

You can sign up for exams in the district departments of education, applications are usually accepted until February 1. There is no charge for this. Graduates of past years can pass the exam both in the "main" stream (end of May - beginning of June), and in the early period (end of March - beginning of April).