How to sign up for an exam

How to sign up for an exam
How to sign up for an exam

Video: How to study for exams - Evidence-based revision tips 2024, July

Video: How to study for exams - Evidence-based revision tips 2024, July

For admission to almost any university in Russia, you must have a certificate of passing the unified state exams according to the list defined by this university. The right to take a single exam is not only graduates of the current year. This can be done by those who graduated from Russian schools earlier, graduates of foreign educational institutions and a number of other categories of citizens. You need to think about this in advance.

You will need

  • - A photocopy of the document on secondary education;

  • - identity document;

  • - a certificate of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a certificate of disability (for people with disabilities).

Instruction manual


Go to the official website of the university you would like to enroll in. Usually, the list of exams required for admission is posted there on February 1. But you can get around approximately earlier. In the archives you will definitely find a list of last year’s exams. But after February 1, be sure to check back again to see if there are any changes. There should also be information on whether the institution has the right to conduct additional tests.


Having decided on the list of exams, contact the education department of your locality. This must be done from February 1 to March 1. Do not forget to bring your identity document with you. Usually such a document is a passport. In the department of education you will be given an application form, which must be filled out, indicating exactly what subjects you intend to take. There you can find out information about the deadlines and points of reception.


Make a photocopy of your secondary education document. It must also be provided to the education department. A copy of the certificate or diploma of secondary specialized education must be submitted by everyone who graduated from a Russian school in past years, a foreign school, and also a secondary vocational educational institution.


If you have a disability group, you need to submit some more documents. This may be the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a certificate of a disability group. It must be issued by an institution authorized to conduct a state medical and social examination. This is necessary in order to determine the conditions in which you will pass the exam.


By writing an application before March 1, you get the right to take exams with graduates of the current year. But for graduates of past years, graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions and some other categories, additional terms are also set. They are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The latest such order can be found on the Federal educational portal. As a rule, this is one of the first days of July.


Having missed all the deadlines for submitting applications, you still have a chance to pass the exam and try to enter the university this year. True, for this you must have a really very valid reason, confirmed by the relevant document. Such a cause is, for example, a disease. In this case, you will need to contact not the education department at the place of residence, but the examination committee of the subject of the federation or even the federal commission. This must be done at least a month in advance of the exams.


The right to take an exam is also given to those citizens whose validity of the USE results has not yet expired. The certificate of passing the unified state exam is valid for 2 years.

Federal educational portal of Russia