How to pronounce the letter p

How to pronounce the letter p
How to pronounce the letter p

Video: English Pronunciation - P & B 2024, July

Video: English Pronunciation - P & B 2024, July

A rare child, barely starting to speak, pronounces all sounds at once and correctly, but if at first a slurred conversation only touches, then over time the unpronouncing of individual sounds can turn into a serious speech therapy problem. Particularly unstable in this regard is the sound P, very often parents have to turn to specialists for its correct formulation.

Instruction manual


Of course, light burr gives a special charm to speech and can even become a kind of highlight that its owner will be proud of, but often the incorrect pronunciation of the letter P interferes with everyday life, and can even become a serious obstacle to career advancement. Therefore, the sooner the parents turn to a speech therapist, studying additionally with the child on their own, the faster and easier the ill-fated sound will be subdued. If up to 5-6 years, you can somehow hope that the problem will be resolved by itself, then older children cannot do without support.


Usually children are cunning, they disguise non-receiving sound in their speech with similar sounds, such as B or L. The most common reason for not speaking is the incorrect language setting. The child simply does not know what movements he needs to make with his tongue and a few simple exercises will be able to solve the problem. Having made a sound correctly at least once, he will no longer be able to forget it, his speech will become clear and correct. But before starting the classes, remember, any exercises you need to present to the child, effortlessly. Only the game will interest the young fidget, arouse in him a desire to engage and go hard to the goal.


Sit the child opposite you, invite him to play "clean teeth". Spreading your mouth in a smile, begin to brush the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth with your tongue, while the lower jaw should not move. Such an exercise will allow the child to consciously control the movements of the tongue, it is better to feel it in the mouth. Slap your tongue as a horse. Invite your child to tease by sticking out his tongue between his teeth while blowing air. All these exercises will not only improve articulation, but also bring great pleasure to both you and your ward.

The next step will be to go directly to the sound of R. Ask the child to make the sound of D, let him try to do this with great frequency, simulating the sound of a starting engine. At some point, with a clean wooden spatula, try moving the tip of your tongue inward. Immediately in the speech the desired P will slip through, the “motor” wound up, rejoice at this with the child together.


After a couple of hours or days of such activities in your child, P will turn out easily and naturally. The time will come to consolidate the new skill. The tongue twisters are perfect for this. The child himself will really enjoy loudly reciting a tongue twister about the famous Greek, and you will forget about the existing problem very soon. But remember, not everything always works the first time, if the child refuses to engage, he is lethargic and capricious, in no case do not scold him. By rigor and censure you will achieve the exact opposite effect, the child may become isolated and stop talking altogether. Love, affection and good mood on the contrary will allow you to achieve results very quickly and your child will learn to pronounce the sound P easily and naturally


But the problem is that the kids do not pronounce some sounds and letters, and of course, the most popular of them is the letter "p". Most often, this is a temporary difficulty, and with the development of speech, children begin to pronounce the insidious letter "p". But there are exceptions, and burry remains for life. So how do you learn to say the letter "p"?

Useful advice

Of course, the older you are, the longer it will take. But this never hurts, because a person with the correct speech is always better perceived than with a defective one. Especially if he wants to work in a place where you need to talk a lot. Of course, it will be most likely to go to a speech therapist, but not everyone has time for regular visits. Therefore, there are several methods for learning how to speak the letter P at home, without going to the doctor.

how to learn to speak the letter p