How to make a word from English letters

How to make a word from English letters
How to make a word from English letters

Video: Creating English Words From Letters For Kids | English Grammar | Grade 2 | Periwinkle 2024, July

Video: Creating English Words From Letters For Kids | English Grammar | Grade 2 | Periwinkle 2024, July

A letter-writing game helps develop mind flexibility and is used in game methods for teaching English. Since in this game you do not learn new words, but perform mental operations to combine letters into words you know, the game is more aimed at consolidating language knowledge.

Instruction manual


Develop your vocabulary. The introduction of words into an active dictionary is the key to the success of games with anagrams. It is quite obvious that if you do not know the word, then you cannot add it. Read new texts, learn new words, albeit little by little, but daily. The visual memorization of words is important here, but the ability to remember them in a timely manner is equally important.


Practice writing words regularly. Do not be upset due to initial failures. The brain gradually "gets used" to this operation, trains, and words are added more easily and easily. The trained look begins to see, literally grab, familiar words from letter anagrams.


Try to pick syllables by looking at a set of letters. Compose variations of letters according to the principle of alternating vowel-consonant and vice versa. Perhaps the compiled syllable will remind you of the word, seem familiar, cause association.


Focus on simple, one- and two-syllable words first. At first, even they will be given with difficulty. But with training, you yourself will not notice how you begin to add more complex, larger words. That is, the "from simple to complex" method is applicable in this kind of games.


Try another technique. Look at the anagram as a whole for 10-15 seconds, disabling any thought process. Just take the letters. It happens that they themselves seem to add up to words. But, in fact, this is the work of the brain: it seeks to streamline and give meaning to any indefinite and incomplete object. Here, the main role, again, is your active vocabulary and training. If it still does not work out, train with the selection method.


Note the time during which your attention is active and you are productive in writing words. If after 3 or 5 minutes you stop and cannot come up with more than a single word, get distracted and rest, or change the game.

Games for learning English