How to schedule a university

How to schedule a university
How to schedule a university

Video: How I Set Up My Semester for Success | plan + schedule 2024, July

Video: How I Set Up My Semester for Success | plan + schedule 2024, July

Before the start of the academic semester, each institute undergoes a lengthy and complex scheduling procedure for students and teachers. It has many features and pitfalls that are worth considering.

You will need

  • - lists of items;

  • - list of teachers;

  • - writing accessories;

  • - computer;

  • - paper.

Instruction manual


Identify the disciplines to include in the schedule. This is the first, most important stage. Keep on hand lists of items for all specialties that need to be distributed by day. Opposite each discipline, the number of academic hours to be worked out per month, semester, and year should be indicated. This criterion will be fundamental in the arrangement of classes during the week. If the subject is profile, put two pairs in a row. Or you can make an option: every day, one pair. The rest - as relevant for the educational process. In the morning, it is best to put the main items, and after - the secondary.


Relate each subject to the teacher's workload. In the lists of disciplines should always be the name and size of the conductive pair. Naturally, these hours should fit into the teacher’s work schedule. In this case, there may be deviations that need to be discussed in advance with the teaching staff.


Assign classrooms to each activity. Lectures should be held in large spacious auditoriums where it is possible to show presentations. Practical and laboratory work can be carried out in small offices. Next to each lesson, sign the class number. Indicate it for the personal schedule of teachers. Everything should be strictly consistent.


Combine groups into threads for general disciplines. Often there are situations such that several groups or even specialties pass one general discipline for everyone, such as, for example, the stylistics of the Russian language, history, and higher mathematics. It is advisable to allocate one or two pairs per week for such classes. A large lecture audience is suitable for this. Assign one experienced teacher to each such lesson and designate it in the schedule.


Make adjustments to the final schedule. Now that you have successfully allocated items, hours, teachers, and classrooms, it's time for editing. Recheck that the entire schedule is consistent with the goals and objectives of the educational process. It is important that it does not infringe on the rights of either students or teachers. This is extremely difficult to achieve, but one must always strive for it.

Useful advice

Use computer programs to schedule.

  • Schedule Programs
  • Rules for registration and documentation